13. A new heartbeat

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13. A new heartbeat

Kevin has been on the lookout for a new heart for around a year and a half due to his dilated cardiomyopathy. Kevin's illness is caused due to genetics although he doesn't know from who. Anyways, it was around 3 a.m. when a pile of nurses entered his and Avi's room and started to wheel Kevin's bed out of the room. Kevin was woken up by all the commotion and so was Avi.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Kevin asked.

"We are taking you to surgery," a nurse answered.

"What? Why?" Avi asked.

"We have a heart arriving that is the perfect match for him," Bob answered.

"Really?!" Kevin asked surprised.

"Yes, we need to go now," Bob answered and he took Kevin away without letting him say goodbye to his best friend. Avi lay there amazed by the great news he debated between telling the others now or going back to bed and telling them tomorrow, he finally chose the latter and went back to bed.

The next morning, Avi sent a text to the gang and told them to meet him at the lounge after breakfast. He was the first to arrive and the others just showed up at the same time but were confused as to why Kevin wasn't there.

"Hey baby," Kirstie greeted and then kissed Avi on the lips.

"Hi guys," Avi said.

"Where is Kurvy?" Mitch asked.

"I have good news. At 3 a.m., nurses came into our room and took Kevin away because a new heart had arrived just for him. I messaged his mom and she said that surgery started at 7 and it should take around four hours. After that, he should be in the Cardiac Care Unit for a few days," Avi answered.

"That's awesome!" Matt answered.

"I'm glad Kevin finally got the heart he needed. The transplant list is huge and he had his years counted," Scott said seriously.

"True. Anyways, Scotty and I gotta go, we have chemo," Mitch said and took Scott's hand. Both of them went to the chemo room where their parents were waiting for them.

"Hi kids," Mike said.

"Hi Dad," Mitch said and hugged Mike.

"Hey Mom," Scott said, hugging Connie.

Soon, nurses called them and started checking their vital signs and their charts to see their dosages for the day.

"Alright," Nurse Jackie said. "Mitch you are only getting one bag, Scott you will be here for around 8 hours," she continued.

"8 hours?!" Scott exclaimed, surprised.

"Why that long?" Connie asked.

"This is your second to last chemo infusion of the round after you'd need more tests and an evaluation from your doctor," Nurse Jackie said and Scott sighed, feeling a little mad.

A few moments later, Scott and Mitch were sitting down next to each other and Mitch noticed how Scott was upset once his parents were out of the room for a while, Mitch took advantage of that moment and asked Scott about his feelings.

"Are you feeling ok?"

"I'm tired, that's all."

"Not physically, Scott...mentally."

"I...I don't know anymore, I'm getting tired of fighting. I don't think I can keep doing this," Scott whispered, tearing up.

"Scott, listen to me. You ARE going to beat this, I already told you. You can't give up right now, not when you are doing so well. I'm proud of you for fighting this long but you have to do this, for your parents, our friends...for me," Mitch said trying to convince Scott to keep fighting. "You promised me, Scott that you were going to fight 'till the very end and not give up."

"You're right, I-I won't break my promise," Scott finished.

It was around 4 p.m. when Kevin woke up and looked around the room, he was in the Cardiac Care Unit and his parents were asleep in the chairs next to him. Kevin decided to let them know he was awake so he called them in a groggy voice.

"Hey son," said Kevin's dad.

"Hi, baby. You doing ok?" his mom asked.

"I'm ok, Mom. How did the surgery go?" he asked.

"It went smoothly with no complications, you have a new heart now. Congratulations, Kevin," said Dr. Andrews, surprising everyone. Dr. Andrews checked on Kevin and let him know that he should be back in his room in about a week and then they'd have to do a lot of tests on him just to make sure his body is accepting his new heart.

A few hours later, Kevin received a call from the gang through Matt's phone and a big smile immediately came to his face when he saw his friends.

"Hey KO," said Kirstin giggling.

"What's up, guys?" Kevin asked.

"You doing okay?" Avi asked.

"As good as I can, it hurts but I'm almost done. Where is Scott?"

"He just came out of chemo, he had a big one," Mitch answered worriedly.

"Ouch, poor Scotty," Kevin said, feeling bad about his friend.

"We are happy for you Kev. You are really brave," Matt said.

"Thanks, Matty. I love you guys," Kevin smiled.

"We love you too Kev," said all in unison. Now, Kevin and Kirstie should be going home soon. Awesome! Mitch thought.

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