8. Kirstie's new kidney

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8. Kirstie's new kidney

Kirstie has been suffering from acute renal failure for a while now. The only thing that can cure her is a transplant. Unfortunately, neither her mom nor her grandparents were a match for her, so she entered the transplant list. In the meantime, she receives dialysis to help his body filter the wastes from her blood and regulate her chemical balance. Little did she know good news would arrive today.

"Hey Kirstie," Nurse Annie, one the youngest nurses, said, entering Kirstie's room.

"Hi, Annie," Kirstie greeted. She was sitting down with her legs crossed on her bed doing some schoolwork.

"I have your lunch and some good news," the kind nurse said, giving Kirstie her lunch.

"Really?" Kirstie asked hopefully.

"Yes, is your mom coming? We need to talk to her first."

"Yeah, she'll be here soon."

"Great, we'll talk to her then," the nurse said, going to leave the room.

"Wait," Kirstie stopped her. "Are you seriously going to leave me without telling me what the good news is?" Kirstie asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes," Nurse Annie said and then left the room.

Mitch overheard the nurses about a kidney coming its way to the hospital for a transplant and he smiled. Hopefully, it's Kitty's kidney, he thought and texted the others to meet at Kirstie's room ASAP.

"What is this meeting about?" Avi asked.

"I overheard the nurses talking about a kidney coming in tomorrow morning," Mitch said shyly.

"Really!?" everyone said in unison.

"Yes, it could be a kidney for you Kitty, but I may have heard wrong," Mitch said.

"If it is for me or not, I'm pretty sure what you heard is right Mitchie," Kirstie said, hugging her best friend.

After a few moments, Kirstie's mom, Angelica, walked into her room and was surprised to see everyone there. "Hi boys," Angelica said happily. "Hey Angelica," the boys greeted.

"Hi baby," Angelica said, kissing her daughter's head.

"Hi, Mama," Kirstie said smiling. "Dr. Lee wants to talk to you," she continued.

"Okay, I will look for her now," Angelica said leaving the room.

"I'm pretty sure that that kidney is for you princess," Avi said, taking his girlfriend's hand.

Angelica came back with Dr. Lee behind and all the boys refused to leave until they heard the good news. "I'm pleased to see everyone here," Dr. Lee said with a smile.

"I have good news. A kidney will come in tomorrow morning and it is a perfect match for Kirstie," Dr. Lee said proudly. Everyone cheered, Angelica, cried tears of happiness, and relief that her baby girl would finally get the kidney she's been waiting for for a long time.

"The surgery will be tomorrow first thing in the morning. It will take around 3 hours and after that, she will be in the ICU for a few days just to monitor everything went well," Dr. Lee said.

"How long will she stay in the hospital after the surgery?" Angelica asked.

"A few weeks 'till a month and a half, just to make sure her body is accepting the new kidney and monitor her pain, chemical balance, etc." Dr. Lee answered.

After Dr. Lee left, Angelica started preparing everything for her surgery tomorrow and then Matt asked if Kirste was feeling nervous.

"Yes, does it hurt Scott?" she asked scaredly.

"W-why do you ask Scott about it?" Matt asked innocently.

"Because I got a transplant when I was 13, all of the chemo drugs they gave me damaged my kidneys so my dad gave me his. It was painful, yes. So I get what you're going through Kirst. It's not gonna be easy, but it'll be worth it. You'll get better and go back to your normal life," Scott said, hugging her.

"Thank you Squirty," said Kirstie.

The following day, the nurses came at 6 am to take Kirstie to surgery and Angelica went with her to pre-op until she had to say goodbye to her daughter. "I'll see you soon, ok? I'll be here when you wake up and your grandparents are coming tomorrow," Angelica said, kissing her daughter's forehead.

"Ok, mama. I love you," Kirstie said, quite loopy.

"I love you too, mija," and with that, Kirstie was gone.

It was a few hours later that the boys were FaceTiming with Kirstie from Avi's phone. "Hey!" the boys greeted in unison.

"Hi boys," Kirstie said weakly.

"You doing okay?" Avi asked.

"I'm in a little pain right now and also kind of tired," she answered honestly.

"That's normal, the important part is that the pain is bearable," Scott said.

"It is, thank you, boys," she said.

"We are glad everything went well. We are happy for you Kitty," Mitch said.

"Hopefully we can visit you soon," Kevin said.

"I'd love that. I have to go now, I'm pretty tired," she said sleepily.

"Bye Kirst, we love you," Matt said and Mitch and Scott blew a kiss to the camera.

Unfortunately, the boys weren't allowed to visit Kirstie in the ICU, but they FaceTimed frequently and Angelica was constantly updating them. When she came back to her room, the boys were there and for all the time they were able to see her, they treated Kirstie like the princess she was. Kirstie is the only girl in the group so the boys feel they have to protect her and take care of her all the time just as much as she cares for them. Around five days later, Kirstie was able to walk short distances with the help of a walker and was provided with a wheelchair when she needed to move long distances. It will be a long process but Kirstie is happy that her new kidney arrived and she can finally go back to her normal life.

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