16. Going Home

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16. Going Home

Today is Matt's last chemo round and he couldn't be more nervous. After he is done with this infusion, he can go home for two weeks, rest in his bed, and be with his family more often. "I think you are the only person I've seen who is nervous to finish chemo, most people are excited," Scott said to Matt giggling.

"I am nervous and excited. I wanna go home and see my family again," Matt said looking at the ceiling, he was lying down on his bed.

"But you have to come back, remember?"

"Yeah, but I'll be with you, Mitch, and Avi and that's all I care about," Matt said looking at Scott.

"I'm glad to have you as my roommate, Matt. You are a great friend," Scott said, and Matt hugged.

"Well, I gotta go to my last chemo. See you later Scotty," Matt said and fist-bumped Scott.

"Bye, Matt."

Mitch was sitting in bed when Scott and Avi visited him because they were bored. They wanted to spend time with Mitch before he went home as well. Avi and Scott would be alone without their friends.

"Hey, Mittens," said Avi entering Mitch's room.

"Hi, princess," said Scott and went to kiss Mitch.

"Hi, baby. Where's Matt?" Mitch asked.

"He's on his last chemo," Scott answered.

"He should come back right?" Avi asked.

"Yes, they have to keep doing chemo because his tumor is not shrinking," Scott said.

"Ouch, and you Mitchy?" Avi said.

"I have to come back as well for a last round and the immunotherapy, after that I'm cancer-free."

"I have great news, I talked to Kevin and Kirstie and they are coming to visit us tomorrow before Mitch and Matt leave," Scott said proudly.

"Awesome!" Mitch said excitedly.

The next day Kirstie and Kevin arrived at the hospital to visit their friends for a while, they agreed to meet in Scott and Matt's room. When they arrived, the gang was talking with Mitch's and Matt's parents. Matt's mom was finishing packing Matt's stuff, making sure he had everything he needed.

"Hello everyone," Kevin said cheerfully while entering the room with Kirstie.

"Hey!" said everyone in unison.

"Are you happy to go home?" Kirstie asked.

"I am, it's been a while," Mitch said tearing up and Scott put his arm around his shoulders.

"Me too, I kind of miss my house," Matt said.

"Although, I'll miss you guys too. I know it's just for two weeks but I got used to being here all the time. you guys became my home," Mitch said.

"Aw!" Everyone said.

"I'll miss you too baby, I'm happy for you. Enjoy your time at home, please," Scott said looking at Mitch with heart eyes.

"I'll miss you guys too, thank you for everything you have done for me. I am happy to have you as my friends and family," Matt said, tearing up.

"Hey, princess?" Avi said calling Kevin's attention. "Have you enjoyed your time at home?" he asked his girlfriend after kissing her head.

"I am, my family has been visiting me, but I am not used to having my routine yet, I don't know why," she answered laughing.

"Well, time to go boys. Say goodbye," said Ernest.

"Group hug!" Scott said and everyone followed.

"Are you sure you will be fine alone?" Mitch asked Scott.

"I'm not fully alone, Avi is here," Scott answered. "We'll be fine," he continued.

"I love you," Mitch said and kissed Scott.

"Please take care while we're gone, I don't want anything happening to you guys," Matt said worried.

"We'll be fine. Now go," Avi said chuckling.

Mitch and Matt were taken to the exit of the hospital in wheelchairs. When they reached the door, they said goodbye for a while at least.

"Take care Matty, please," Mith said, hugging Matt.

"I will Mitchy. I'll see you in two weeks."

A/N: Book 2 will be posted #soon ;)

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