15. I promise

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15. I promise

"What?!" Everyone except Mitch asked in surprise.

"I-I, wow!" Kevin said not believing what he just heard.

"They should be telling you the news soon. You guys are going back to your normal lives," Mitch continued smiling.

"I can't believe it. We're going home!" Kirstie squealed and hugged Kevin tightly.

"Congratulations guys. YOU DID IT!" Scott screamed happily.

They continued talking for a few more hours until they had to go to bed and Kevin could not hold in his happiness, he played some music on his phone and started dancing around the room, Avi just watched and laughed at his friend's silliness. Scott was walking around the halls and decided to join Kevin's celebration dance. Both of them started dancing around and singing so loudly that a nurse had to come and silence them.

"Boys! It's bedtime, go to bed. Scott to your room," Nurse Jonah said seriously and the boys just giggled.

"Alright, gotta go. Goodnight boys," Scott said and left the room.

"Bye Scotty" Kevin and Avi said.

"You need to calm down a bit, you are not gonna be able to sleep being that excited," Avi said seriously.

"I'll try, but I won't promise anything. If I wake you up at 2 am you know why."

"And you know what happens when I don't get enough sleep, so you better not wake me up."

Both of them went to bed and the next morning, Kirstie received a special visit from her grandparents and her mom. While Kirstie was talking to her family, Dr. Lee entered the room and she was about to tell some exciting news to the Maldonados.

"Good morning everyone," Dr. Lee said entering the room.

"Morning Dr. Lee," Kirstie said. She was expecting the good news Mitch had told her yesterday.

"I am proud to tell you, Kirstin, that tomorrow you will be able to go home," Dr. Lee continued and the Maldonados cheered, Angelica cried and hugged Kirstie tightly.

"Now, you are not out of the woods yet. You still have to take care of yourself come to your appointments and follow a strict diet. You cannot do sports, your body wouldn't be able to handle that." Dr. Lee said seriously.

"I promise I'll take care of myself," Kirstie said and then Dr. Lee left the room.

"Ay, mija. You are really brave. We love you very much and are very proud of you," her grandfather said.

"I love you mija, you are very strong. Now you can finally go home and you can go back to school and get your life back," Angelica said and Kirstie cried, hugging her mom tightly. She is grateful for her mom and how she was able to take care of her.

Meanwhile, Kevin was in his room playing Uno with Avi until his parents and his sister got in the room and Kevin jumped to hug them. "Hi, Kevy," his sister Candice said.

"I'm happy you guys are here. Dr. Andrews said he wanted to talk to all of us," Kevin said.

"Is something wrong?" His dad asked.

"I'm pretty sure everything's alright," Kevin said with a smile.

A few moments later, Dr. Andrews entered the room with a smile and Kevin asked Avi to take his hand, he wanted his best friend to be there with him for the news.

"Good news!" Dr. Andrews said. "Kevin you are going home tomorrow," he said and the Olusolas gasped, even Avi. They started celebrating and hugging Kevin, everyone was excited.

"Your body has been accepting your new heart perfectly and everything is going exactly as we expected. However, you are not out of the woods yet, you still need to come to your appointments and take great care of yourself. But Kevin, to me you are perfectly healthy again, you can finish high school and go to college. Have you thought about what you wanna be when you grow up?" Dr. Andrews asked.

"I wanna be a doctor and help people just like you've helped me, Dr. Andrews," Kevin said and his family gasped.

"Really boy?" His mom asked surprised.

"It honestly wouldn't surprise me, you, my friend are an f-...freaking genius," Avi said and hugged Avi.

"You almost said the f-word," Kevin said and started laughing loudly, like a hyena.

"We gotta tell the others, I'll text them," Avi said.

It was around 5 pm when the gang was meeting together at Kevin and Avi's room, Kevin and Kirstie were planning on how they were going to tell everyone they were leaving tomorrow, in the end, they decided to be direct and told them straight away.

"We are going home tomorrow!" Kevin and Kirstie in unison.

"That's amazing guys, congratulations," Matt said and hugged his friends. Everyone hugged and congratulated the pair.

"Let's make a group promise. Now that you guys are better and Mitch is getting better as well. Little by little everyone will be leaving, but let's promise each other we'll stay in contact. I don't want a beautiful friendship like this to go to waste," Scott said and everyone nodded.

"You are right, I promise I will visit you guys as much as I can," Kevin said seriously.

"So do I. I will come every time I can," Kirstie said and the gang group hugged giggling, being grateful for having each other as friends and family.

A/N: There's one more chapter of this book :)

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