3. Chemo

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3. Chemo

It's been a week since Matt's port placement surgery and now he is ready to start chemo. Luckily for him, Scott received another chemo infusion today as well, meaning they will be together.

"Hey, Scott?" Matt called the attention of his friend.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"How long is your session today?" Matt asked, curious and scared.

"6 hours just like you. We'll be together the whole time and the others will come in when they can. Mitch is not feeling very well today so he may not come" Scott answered.

"Is it bad?... I mean the side effects and all?"

"It's different for everyone. You can suffer from the effects the same day, the day after, or not have any side effects at all, but that is extremely rare."

"What about you?"

"The effects catch me the day after and, I'm not gonna lie, they are bad. I get joint pains, fatigue, nausea, and even fever sometimes. Luckily it only lasts a day or two, after that, I'm back on my feet in no time. I know you are scared, we don't know how chemo is gonna affect you and the first time is always the worst, but it'll be worth it."

Shortly after the conversation, they went into the chemo room and Matt's parents were there. "Mom! Dad!" Matt said excitedly and ran up to them hugging them tightly. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Sallee" Scott said politely. "Hey boys, we're here to take care of you today," Ernest said and both boys thanked them.

A few moments later, a nurse took both of their vital signs to make sure they were healthy to do the treatment. Later, the nurses made them sit down on separate chairs next to each other. "Alright, ready boys?" Dr. Hayes asked.

"Yeah," Scott answered, Matt just nodded.

"I'm hooking you up to your port right now Scott," Nurse Jonah said and Scott nodded, closing his eyes to prevent himself from seeing the needle. Once it was in, he relaxed.

"Does it hurt?" Matt asked.

"The first few times, yeah. I just close my eyes because I hate needles," Scott chuckled.

"Ready Matt?" Nurse Jonah asked.

"I guess". Nurse Jonah then inserted the needle into Matt's port and he flinched. His mom took his hand and he relaxed.

"All done. We'll be around here in case you need anything. Just relax, there's a bucket next to you in case you need to throw up," Nurse Jonah said before leaving.

"Well, since we'll be here for hours, I guess we can get to know each other better," Scot said.

"I'd love that"

"Great. How old are you?" Scott asked.

"14, you?"


"What do you like to do for fun?" Matt asked.

"I love singing, everyone in the gang does as well. Seems like we all have a passion for music."

"I enjoy singing too as well as playing basketball and playing drums"

"That's awesome."

"Do you like playing sports? You seem like an athletic guy"

"Yeah, I get that a lot. I don't consider myself 100% athletic, but I like playing volleyball and used to play basketball at school"

"Who's your favorite singer?"

"Easy. Beyoncé"

"She's amazing"

"Hey, um...do...do you like Mitch?" Matt asked after a short silence.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, you always look at him with heart eyes, Kirstie even calls you Heart Eyes Hoying sometimes."

"Yeah, I like him. We met when we were 12 right here and we became best friends right away."

"That is sad but beautiful at the same time," Matt said and Scott chuckled.

The conversation went on for another hour until Matt started feeling sick. "You ok, baby?" his mom asked. "No, I feel like I'm gonna be sick". His dad put the bucket under his mouth and Matt threw up. Scott watched feeling bad for his friend, he's done this so many times before that he knows how it feels. He even saw Mitch going through it as well, and he hated seeing his best friend go through something like that.

After a few moments, Matt went down for a nap while Nurse Jonah was checking on them. "You should nap too, Scott," the nurse said while covering him with a blanket, "Are your parents coming?" he continued.

"They'll be here tomorrow. They know the day after is harder for me" Scott answered tiredly. Throughout the time Matt and Scott were there, Kevin, Avi, and Kirstie visited them; unfortunately, Mitch couldn't because he was feeling under the weather.

When the six hours were over, both boys were exhausted and sick. Two nurses took them back to their room on wheelchairs and helped them lay down on their beds, tucking them in. "Time to rest boys, you're spending the whole day here tomorrow," Nurse Andy said and then she left the room. The next morning both boys woke up feeling even worse than the day before, luckily Matt's and Scott's moms were there to take care of them, even the gang stopped by to say hi and keep them company. Two days later both boys were back on their feet and feeling great again.

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