2. The Start of something new

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2. The Start of something new

Scott and Matt were getting ready for bed when Scott noticed Matt's nervousness. "You ok?" Scott asked and Matt nodded. Scott didn't believe him so he tried to make his friend feel better. "Matt, I know you are nervous about tomorrow, but everything is gonna be fine," Scott said with a warm smile that made Matt grin.

"It's just...I don't know. All of this is new for me and I've never had an operation before, I just hope everything goes well," Matt answered, sighing. Scott sat down next to him on his bed.

"It's scary, I know, but it is a simple procedure. They are going to take you to the OR early tomorrow, and in the blink of an eye, you'll be in recovery with your parents. When they bring you back here, we're all going to be there and accompany you for the rest of the day," Scott tried to comfort Matt.

"Thanks, Scotty" Matt hugged Scott.

Nurse Jackie entered the room "Alright, bedtime boys." she said and Scott and Matt laid down on their beds. She checked their vital signs with the help of another nurse. "Tomorrow is a big day for both of you", said Nurse Jackie.

"Why both of us?" Scott asked.

"Scott, you and Mitch need to get some tests done tomorrow," she answered.

"Right," Scott sighed.

"And you Matt, you are getting your port in tomorrow. We'll be here at 6 am to take you to pre-op and your surgery will be at 8. Got it?"

"Got it" Matt answered.

"Alright, goodnight boys," she said, and then she and the other nurse left the room. The next morning, two nurses entered the room along with Matt's parents. "Matty, wake up honey. It's time" said Matt's mom. Matt woke up and so did Scott. Then the nurses were ready to take him but not before without saying goodbye to his roommate.

"Good luck Matt, I'll see you in a few hours," said Scott while hugging Matt.

"Bye Scott, good luck on your tests," and with that Matt was gone.

Mitch and Scott met each other on the 3rd floor, the scans floor as they call it. "Hey Scotty, what are you getting done?" Mitch asked while he hugged his best friend. "Hi, Mitchy. PET, bloodwork, and a back X-ray. What about you?" Scott answered.

"So the usual then. Same here, except for the X-ray, why do you need it anyway?" Mitch asked.

"I've been having some pain in my back lately. They just want to make sure everything's okay and things are going as they should"

"Let's hope nothing's wrong, I just-"

"Hey," Scott interrupted Mitch, "It's gonna be ok. Nothing's wrong," they both hugged each other.

"Do you know how Matt is doing?" Mitch asked after a while.

"They just took him to the OR, should be out in about an hour or so," Scott answered.

Scott and Mitch are used to scans, especially bloodwork, and PET, but they had to say goodbye before Scott went into his X-ray. "I'll see you later Mitchy. I'll text the gang when Matt is back in our room and we can spend the rest of the day there," Scott said going into the radiology room.

"Alright. I guess he's out of surgery then" Mitch said.

"Yeah, they just finished and Matt is now in recovery. He should be back in three hours, maybe less."

After that, they said goodbye to each other and the radiologist made Scott put a gown on and explained to him that the purpose of the X-ray was to find an answer to Scott's pains. Luckily the process was quick and Scott went to the lounge to hang out with the other members of the gang while they waited for Matt.

A few hours later Matt was wheeled back to his room and to his surprise, the whole gang was there waiting for him.

"Welcome back newbie," said Avi.

"How are you feeling bud?" asked Kevin.

"Uh...I'm ok, it hurts to move my neck and right arm," Matt answered.

"That's normal. It hurts for a few days, but you'll get used to it" Scott said, patting Matt's shoulder.

"I'm glad everything went well Matty. We are going to be here for the whole day," Kirstie said smiling.

"Thank you so much guys, I appreciate everything you've done for me," Matt said and hugged everyone.

"Hey, we know how it feels to be in your shoes," Mitch said.

The whole gang spent the rest of the afternoon with Matt, making sure he was comfortable and calming him down when he was in pain. Matt's parents were happy his son was able to make friends so quickly and they were surprised at how caring and sweet everyone was to their son.

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