12. I'm here for you

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12. I'm here for you

Scott was alone in his room in the Intermediate Care Unit when a stretcher-bearer named Bob got in ready to move Scott back to his room with Matt. Bob was the teen's favorite stretcher-bearer. He was kind, funny, and caring, most of the time he was the one to take the teens to their scans, back from chemo, etc.

"Hi, Scott. Are you ready?" Bob asked and Scott smiled.

"Hey, Bob. I'm ready," Scott answered.

Then, Bob was wheeling Scott's bed back to his room when Bob had an idea to make Scott smile. "How about a little speed?" Bob asked winking at Scott and he smiled, Bob increased his speed and Scott loved it. When they arrived, Matt and Mitch were there and smiled when they saw Bob bringing Scott in.

"Hey, Scotty!" Mitch said happily once Scott's bed was back in his place.

"Hi baby, I missed you," Scott said and was about to kiss Mitch, but he stopped him. They couldn't kiss yet or Mitch would catch what Scott has and worsen the situation.

"What's up, man? I missed you," Matt said and high-fived Scott.

"I missed you too Matt, you make this room fun. I was extremely bored without you," Scott said.

"Well, you're back now and I'm not leaving your side until you are back on your feet," Mitch said proudly.

"Thank you, princess, but I'm feeling fine now. You don't have to stay here," Scott said and Mitch shook his head.

"You are still on bedrest and still need an IV with antibiotics," Mitch said trying to convince Scott.

"Fine, but please don't baby me. You know how much I hate that," Scott sighed and Mitch squealed, Matt just smiled at the couple feeling like a third wheel.

Unfortunately, that day, Connie and Rick couldn't visit Scott because of their jobs, but Mitch was there to take care of him with the gang's help. Mitch refused to leave his side and ended up cuddling with him and watching a movie on Scott's iPad.

"Thank you Mitchy," Scott said out of the blue.

"For what?"

"For taking care of me even though my stubborn ass would resist it," Scott said tiredly and coughed and Mitch frowned.

"I know, but I like taking care of you. Somehow you are very cute and sweet when you're sick," Mitch giggled.

"Well...thank you?" Scott chuckled and they both laughed.

"I do it because I'm scared," Mitch confessed tearing up.

"I know, I'm scared too," Scott said quietly.

"Why?" Mitch asked confused.

"I'm scared I'm not going to beat cancer this time."

"Don't say that, I forbid you from saying that Scott. You ARE going to beat cancer this time. I know we both are scared but you can't give up just yet," Mitch said and Scott sobbed. Mitch hugged him and both cried. They stayed like that for a few more minutes until Scott fell asleep and Nurse Jackie got to the room to check on Scott and take Mitch back to his room.

"Hey boys," she said happily and Micth hushed her.

"Oops, sorry I didn't know he was sleeping," she whispered and giggled. "I need to check on him and you need to go back to your room Mitch," she continued and Mitch rolled his eyes. Mitch stood up from the bed, tucked Scott in, and kissed his forehead, leaving the room shortly after.

The next day, Scott woke up and saw his mom there next to him, she was still sleeping on the chair so he let her sleep some more. He turned to Matt and saw his friend listening to music, Scott got the idea to tease Matt and threw a pillow at him.

"God!" Matt screamed, waking Connie up. Scott just laughed and Matt smiled at him, he was glad Scott was getting his energy back.

"I'm glad to know you're awake now boys," Connie said.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning, Mrs. Hoying," Matt said happily.

"Morning boys."

"Hey, Mom?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, baby."

"Can I go outside today? I haven't been outside and I want to see the sunset," Scott said hopefully and Connie hesitated.

"We'll have to ask Dr. Hayes, but I doubt he'll say yes," she answered and Scott looked down. Connie went out to the hall and looked for Dr. Hayes, she came back to the room with good news.

"He said yes since they are taking you out of the IV today," she said and the boys cheered. "But...you have to wear a mask, warm clothes, and take your oxygen tank and your wheelchair," she said and Scott nodded.

When the afternoon came, Connie took Scott outside to the gang's spot at the hospital park. They all looked at the sunset and Scott started thinking, he teared up watching the sunset, Matt was the only one who noticed and took his hand. Scott didn't even look at him, he just smiled glad to have his best friends by his side.

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