10. A Turn for the Worst

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10. A Turn for the Worst 

Since Scott's immune system is pretty messed up, a single cold can be critical for his health, that's why his doctor and nurses are constantly checking to see if his fevers are caused due to chemo or something else more serious. When Scott woke up one day coughing and with a 101°F fever, his medical team started his fever protocol.

"You have a fever, Scott," Nurse Jackie said.

"What?" he asked, surprised.

"I knew you looked sick. You are paler than usual, and the dark circles underneath the eyes give it a special touch," Matt said honestly and Scott rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to call Dr. Hayes so that he can check you out," Nurse Jackie said and then left the room.

"Is a fever that bad?" Matt asked.

"Yes, it is. A fever can mean a cold and my immune system cannot handle one and would just get worse," Scott said, coughing shortly after.

Later, Dr. Hayes entered the room and started to check on Scott, he measured his blood pressure which was a little high for him, and then listened to his lungs and heard some wheezing.

"Your blood pressure is high and there is some wheezing. I want bloodwork and let's start an IV," Dr. Hayes said and Nurse Jackie nodded. "Let's hook him up too. O2 and BPs," Dr. Hayes said and then he left the room. Nurse Jackie then hooked up to a blood pressure cuff and an oximeter. "I'm calling your parents," she said, patting Scott's shoulder, and then left the room.

"You feel ok?" Matt asked worried about his roommate.

"I'm fine, just tired," Scott said, then coughed again.

"I texted the gang and they said they'll be here after breakfast," Matt said.

After breakfast, the gang appeared in Matt and Scott's room, and everyone tried to support Scott. A nurse entered the room and hooked Scott to an IV with antibiotics and fever reducers.

"Are you in pain Scott?" the nurse asked.

"No," he lied. His legs were hurting and so was his chest, he didn't want to worry anyone though. Mitch knew he was lying though, Scott never wanted anyone to worry about him. The nurse left the room shortly after.

"I know you're lying," Mitch said with his brow furrowed.

"My legs hurt and I'm tired," Scott answered. "I just want to nap right now," he continued. Mitch smiled and tucked him in, kissing his forehead.

"Will you guys sing to me?" Scott asked, taking everyone by surprise.

"Why?" Kirstie asked.

"I just want to, please," Scot begged, pouting and making puppy eyes.

"I hate when you do that," Kirstie said and Scott giggled. They sang My Only Sunshine to him and when they finished, Scott was out like a light. When the rest of the gang had to leave, Mitch decided to stay with him until his mom arrived, praying that this time, Scott could come out of his illness quickly and that it didn't get worse.

When Connie arrived, she greeted Mitch, and his son, Scott was already awake, but Mitch noticed that he looked worse than he did earlier. He was coughing more and he seemed a little out of breath.

"You feeling ok baby?" Connie asked, taking his son's hand.

"Not really, I have a headache now," Scott said sighing tiredly. And Mitch and Connie looked at each other worriedly. Connie called a nurse and asked him if he could give her son some Tylenol for his headache which she did and Scott fell asleep again shortly after. "This is not just a simple cold, this is something else," Connie said. "Have you guys been outside in the cold lately?" she asked.

"We went out the other day during the evening it was chilly but we both were in very warm clothes and masks..." Mitch answered.


"He took out his mask when the nurses weren't seeing him, and his hoodie,"

"That explains it."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry, love?"

"I don't know...I hate that you guys have been through this for so long."

"He is a strong kid. He will beat it this time," Connie said and Mitch just hoped she was right.

When the night came, Matt was getting ready for bed when he noticed that Scott's breathing heavily, he knew something was wrong and it could just get worse from there. Dr. Hayes came in and checked on Scott, noticing how uneven his breathing was.

"I need to put a cannula on you Scott, you are not breathing well," he said and Scott nodded, too tired to say anything. The doctor put the cannula under Scott's nose and behind his ears.

"There you go. I need to do more tests, we'll figure this out soon, ok? Get some rest," Dr. Hayes said and Scott nodded again.

"Matt please call a nurse if something goes wrong," he continued and Matt nodded. Dr. Hayes left the room, leaving a worried Matt with a sick Scott. They went to bed and Matt prayed to God that his friend would be ok, he didn't want to lose him.

It was at midnight that Scott woke up without being able to breathe, he started calling Matt's name as loud as he could and was able to wake up the younger boy.

"What's wrong? Scott?" Matt said and got up from his bed when he saw Scott. He immediately pressed the nurse button and in a few seconds, nurses entered the room and put Scott on a breathing mask. They took him out of his room and Matt did the only thing that came to his mind. He ran to Mitch's room crying and woke him up.

"Matt?" Mitch asked confused. Matt was hyperventilating so Mitch made him take some deep breaths to calm him down.

"Scott is sick, really sick."

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