7. Bad days

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7. Bad days

For the past few days, Avi has been having some pain in his upper abdomen, he just thought it was part of his disease until one day he woke up with a high fever and jaundice. Kevin was the first to notice this and rang the nurse emergency button. Nurses started to file in and check on Avi while Kevin watched with teary eyes. When he saw the nurses taking him on his bed out of the room, he knew things were really bad. "W-where are y-you taking him?" Kevin asked scaredly.

"To give him some tests and monitor him closely," a nurse answered. Kevin just nodded and ran to Kirstie's room to tell her about everything. She started crying and Kevin hugged her tightly, crying himself too. He and Avi are like brothers, telling each other everything, and Kevin is there for him when his parents are not. Avi comes from a wealthy family and his parents are busy most of the time, that's why they seldom come to visit him and that hurts Avi.

Then they went to tell the others the news, "How about we pray for him, he needs it" Kevin said and they all held hands while Kevin prayed. "Amen," they said in unison when Kevin was done praying. They all did a group hug when Kirstie started crying. "He's gonna be ok, Kitty, he's a strong guy," Mith said comforting her and she nodded.

"I have to go to chemo, please text me the updates," Scott asked the others and then he left the room.

"Now what?" Mitch asked, crying.

"We wait. I'll call his parents and try to figure out where he is," Kevin said leaving the room.

While Kevin was looking for Avi in the ICU, he encountered Avi's parents who were talking to the nurse. He overheard the conversation and figured out that Avi had a bad infection and they needed to monitor him. He texted the rest of the gang about this, "We can stay with him for a few hours, but we have to leave soon, we have an important meeting," said Avi's dad. Kevin got angry at Avi's parents, they cared more about their job than their son's health. Kevin decided to go to his room to cool off and then visit Avi. After a few hours, he texted Kirstie to ask her if she wanted to see Avi, of course, she said yes. They went to the ICU and the doctor allowed them to visit him. When they entered his room, they were relieved to see him awake, but he looked pale and weak, and jaundice didn't help either. Kirstie hugged him gently to avoid hurting him.

"Hi princess," Avi greeted weakly, breaking the hug.

"Hi, baby. I missed you," Kirstie said.

"I missed you too," Avi said, taking her hand.

"Hey, bro. Are you doing okay?" Kevin said to his best friend.

"Hi, Kev. I'm feeling fine right now, but it's just the medicine, the pain comes back later," said Avi.

"I saw your parents here, did you talk to them?" Kevin asked.

"They were here for a few hours, but they were either on their phones or laptops working. I was also kind of in and out of sleep though," Avi said softly.

"I'm sorry they are like that. They should care more about you," Kirstie said, kissing Avi's hand.

"It's ok, they've been this way my whole life. You guys are my family too, and I love you all", Avi said.

"We love you too, baby."

"We are worried about you. We just want you to get better." Kevin said with tears in his eyes.

"I'll be fine. By the way, where are the others?" Avi asked.

"Matt and Mitch will come later, but they cannot stay long. Their immune systems couldn't handle it if they caught something. Scott is doing chemo right now and his immune system is fully messed up, the doctors wouldn't allow him in here," Kevin responded and Avi nodded.

They talked for a few more minutes until Avi felt sick again and Kevin and Kirstie had to leave his room. They went back to the lounge where they met with Mitch and Matt anxiously waiting for news on their friend. "How is he?" Mitch asked as soon as he saw them.

"He has a bad infection. He has a high fever and is in a lot of pain. They are treating him right now with antibiotics and other medications," Kevin answered.

"How about his parents?" Matt asked.

"They're still the same assholes they've always been," Kirstie answered sadly.

"Doctors said it's serious but treatable, he should be back on his feet in a few days," Kevin said after a long pause.

"Do you know anything about Scott?" Kirstie asked.

"He's in our room with his mom, napping," Matt said.

"Such a momma's boy," Mitch said and they all giggled. "Not but in all seriousness, he's not feeling well. I'll check on him later," Mitch continued.

The next day, Mitch and Matt visited Avi in the ICU for a few minutes before a nurse asked them to go to their rooms. They both went back to Matt's room to visit Scott and tell him the news about Avi.

"How's Avi?" Scott asked.

"He's doing better than yesterday. He's still in pain, but the doctors said he should be fine," Matt answered lying down on his bed.

"You feeling ok, Scotty?" Mitch asked cuddling his boyfriend and Scott shook his head, vomiting into an emesis bag. "Aww, baby," Mitch said, cleaning his boyfriend's chin with a paper towel that was on Scott's nightstand once he was done puking.

"You're warm. Hey Matt?" Mitch said, feeling Scott's forehead.


"Could you please bring a wet washcloth?" Mitch asked, and Matt went to the bathroom, coming back with a wet cloth. Mitch took it and put it on Scott's forehead to cool the boy down.

Three days later, Avi was back in his room with Kevin. Surprisingly, his parents were with him the majority of the time and were there for him when he got back to his room. The gang gave Avi a Get Well Soon card with all their signatures on it. About a week later, Avi was finally better and could hang out with the others at the lounge. 

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