5. Scans and Diagnoses

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5. Scans and Diagnoses

Kevin woke up ready for the long day ahead of him. Since he is on the search for a new transplant, he gets scans done pretty frequently to figure out the urgency of the transplant and to make sure his pacemaker is working as it should. Today he is getting a heart MRI, ECG, ultrasound, and exercise test. A nurse came in and wheeled Kevin to the third floor.

"Hi, Kevin," said Dr. García, the radiologist.

"Hey doctor," Kevin greeted with a smile.

"Here you go, drink it all, and then change into your gown. You know the drill," said the doctor giving Kevin the contrast for him to drink it. Kevin made a disgusted face when he drank the contrast. Then, the radiologist made him lie down in the MRI machine and gave him some headphones with classical music that made Kevin relax.

After about an hour the MRI was done, and Kevin was taken to the ultrasound room to get one done to his heart. "Ready Kev," asked the doctor. "Yeah, I hate the cold gel though," Kevin said, flinching when the gel was placed in his chest, it was a quick test. Later on, he went back to the heart and vascular wing of the hospital where he got hooked up to electrodes and other things that measured his vital signs and his heart.

"Alright, Kevin. You are going to walk first, then run, then walk again. After that, you have to go to your room to get your ECG," said Dr. Andrews, his cardiologist.

"Got it," they soon started the test.

Meanwhile, Mitch was with Dr. Hayes and his parents at the doctor's office, ready to listen to the results of his latest labs. "Well, I have good news regarding your tests Mitch." Dr. Hayes said and the Grassis smiled, feeling grateful.

"Chemo seems to be doing its job. From now on we can reduce the doses we are giving you and start with a new oral treatment." he continued.

"Thank you, doctor, we are happy to hear that," Nel, Mitch's mom, said.

"What is this new oral treatment about?" Mike, Mitch's dad, asked.

"It is very simple, we will be giving him more pills to take that have the same function as chemo, but the side effects are slightly better in a way. You will struggle with those at first, but I'm pretty sure your body will respond perfectly to them as well." Dr. Hayes said.

"Wow, I am happy to hear I am getting better. I...Thanks, Dr. Hayes for everything you've done for me" Mitch said tearing up.

"You are welcome, Mitch. I can see that your hair is growing back a bit as well."

"It is. It is just thin hair, but it is progress," Mitch said happily.

"Now, your therapists also have some news on your latest appointment. They said that you could start taking fewer dosages of your meds. I'm proud of you Mitch, you have improved so much in the past few months," Dr. Hayes said with a proud smile.

"We are so proud of you honey," said his mom.

"We love you, son, you are such a fighter," said his dad.

Dr. Hayes had another appointment with the Hoyings right after his turn with the Grassis. He was happy for Mitch and his progress, but now he is worried about Scott and his condition, so he has to give some mixed news to the Hoyings.

"I have some mixed news regarding Scott's previous tests," Dr. Hayes said seriously.

"Is everything okay, doctor?" Connie, Scott's mom, asked worriedly.

"Let's start with your back x-ray" Dr. Hayes took out the plaque of Scott's spine. "As you can see, Scott has scoliosis. We were concerned his pain was due to something else, but fortunately, we were wrong."

"That's good news," Rick, Scott's dad, said.

"Yes, it is. Although he has to do physical therapy and wear a back brace to prevent the condition from worsening." Dr. Hayes said. "Regarding your other tests, chemo is doing its job minimally. Comparing your tests from two months ago, the new results are slightly better. With this, we have to keep doing chemo and start with the oral treatment as well," he continued and Scott looked down.

"Can you not increase the chemo doses? Shouldn't that help?" Rick asked.

"Not right now, Scott is not in that stage so there's no need to do so."

"Well, that's a relief," Connie said. Scott left the doctor's office a little disappointed, that wasn't the news he wanted to hear, he just hoped Mitch got better news than him.

After Kevin was done with the exercise test, he went to his room and saw all the gang in there to catch up with him while he got tests done. "Hey guys," Kevin greeted.

"How were your tests?" Kirstie asked.

"They went fine, I'm tired though," Kevin answered as the nurse put the electrodes on his chest. "How are you doing Matt? I heard you had chemo today."

"I'm feeling okay, better than last time," Matt answered with a smile.

"Did you finally get your results, Mitch?" Avi asked.

"I did. Everything is going well. Chemo is working and they'll start oral treatment soon. My anxiety is improving as well." he said with a smile.

"I'm so proud of you baby," Scott said, kissing Mitch.

"How about you Scotty? You got your results back already?" Mitch asked.

"Um...I have scoliosis, which means nothing bad is going on with my back. I just have to do physical therapy and wear a brace and take good care of it," Scott said, and everyone sighed relieved. "Chemo is working, slower than it should though, so they are also starting oral treatment. We'll see how things go," Scott said looking down, he didn't want the others to see him cry.

"It's okay Scotty, you are going to beat cancer this time. You are the strongest guy I know," Kirstie said and the group hugged. I just hope she's right, Scott thought.

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