Chapter Ten

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My eyes flutter open, and I cast a look to where the balcony is. It is now broad daylight, and I prop myself up from the floor, shards of glass piercing my back slightly. I stand up, and feel myself about to cry, but I don't, and begin to pick up the shards of glass and smashed objects from my carpet. Last night felt like a fever dream, and as expected, I can't shake off what happened.

My mind replays the events of the night; we get in, have a great time, I go to a bathroom and then I find my girlfriend who I poured my heart and soul into trying to make out with my ex-gang leader, who for a certain amount of time I thought was my friend. I check my phone and see around twenty missed calls from Jack, Danny and Tsuki all together, however to my surprise there are no text messages.

I decide not to answer the calls in fear of what they will think of me, and even though I know that I am innocent, I don't exactly think that they will think that (seeing as the images were edited extremely well to make it look like I was the main culprit for all of the petty crimes that Suji has done)

In order to try and distract myself, I finally clean up my apartment, restoring the place back to its original state before I came in from the party and practically assaulted everything in my apartment. Sure, there are some things that I can't fix, like my Alexa, my CD player and my PC, but at this point I'm not really bothered to go out and spend 260,000 yen just to try and fix things that won't help me at all.

I make a pile of things that do still work, and all of my video games, visual novel DVDs and CDs go into a small bag, which I place in the corner of my room for when I feel up to spending crap loads of money so I can use them again. Otherwise, they have absolutely no use to me whatsoever.

After cleaning, I sit down on my bed and wonder what to do next. The only thing that is playing on my mind right now, is beating the life out of Suji. The scenario repeats itself in my head, and I feel almost hellbent on doing just that today. At the same time, I don't want to really beat anybody up, as if I do right now, anyone in my path will get seriously hurt.

I have a mental war in my head for what feels like an eternity before I finally come to my decision. I'm going to try and talk it out with Suji for a little bit, and see if he has any answers at to why he was making out with Kyou. As much as I think he won't budge, if I do something at least it'll tell him that I am angry.

I get myself dressed, and do my usual routine. I try to make myself look like I care about what I wear right now, however if I'm being honest, I couldn't care less, purely because of the violent imagery serenading my head. Once I'm finished doing my stuff, I walk out of my apartment trembling and slowly walk to Suji's apartment building. As I'm doing so, I notice the girl from the party last night presumably walking to school, and I don't talk to her. She looks extremely lonely, and as much as I want to say hello, I feel as if I have more important business to do, so I walk past her.

Within a couple of minutes, I see Suji's apartment in the distance, and I look down at my hands to see them trembling quickly. Nervousness comes over me, and I immediately have the urge to turn back, and hide away for however long it takes me to recover from this. Despite that, my legs keep moving and I can't do anything. I keep my eyes tracked on the apartment, and I finally get there.

The apartment block is nothing special, just a few floors of run down apartments that students can afford easily. I make my way into the lobby of the place, and dart to a lift. I pick the second floor, which is where Suji is located. As the doors close, I look around the lift to see numerous decals and pictures drawn with Sharpies, all in correlation with Suji's gang. I hear the lift whir, and after a faint bell sound rings through the lift, the doors open, revealing a darkly lit corridor illuminated by sets of tiny laser lights.

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