Chapter Twenty Seven

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My parents exit their car, and I hear the twisting of keys, and the front door opens slowly. I go to the dining room and pull out chairs for each of them, and I quickly look around the destroyed living room before my parents walk in, looking extremely pissed off. They sit down opposite me, and after a few deep breaths, I finally open my mouth.

"I suppose you guys deserve an explanation." I say quietly.

"AND THERE BETTER BE!" my dad screams, banging his left fist on the table, causing it to shake slightly, making both me and my mom jump.

"We leave you for a week on your own as a special treat, and this is what we come back to?" my mom says, scowling at me.

"Me and your mother are very disappointed in you, Aisuru." my dad says loudly.

"Let me explain." I say camly.

"Please don't try to interrupt me throughout this conversation."


"Just, please." I say quietly.


"Just let him explain." my mom says quietly.

My dad shuts up, and I take deep breaths and look at my hands to see them trembling.

I can't back down now.

"This was all caused by a little secret."

"I've been holding in this secret for years, and it really damaged me inside."

"Recently, someone got hold of that secret."

"A criminal, in fact."

There's a brief pause, and I look at my parents to see them looking even more angry than before.

"This secret made the criminal pretty angry."

"So, he forced me to join his gang, and I had to be the money carrier in one of his robberies."

My parents look at me, now extremely dumbfounded, tears falling out of my mother's eyes and then rolling down her cheeks. I also begin to cry, and my vision becomes slightly blurred. I continue.

"I hated myself, and I was so worried that you would say that you hated me for..."

"God, I can't say."

"What's the secret, Aisuru?" my mother says, looking extremely worried.

I don't respond, and instead I break down in tears. I expect a hug from at least one of my parents, however instead they are fixed on me, not daring to move until I have told them what's been happening.

"Answer your mother, now." my dad says, gritting his teeth, his fists clenched and his face turning a deep red out of sheer anger, presumably."

"I'm gay." I stutter out.

"I've been in a relationship with Kirai Kotoba for the past month now."

My parents don't react at all. Instead, they tell me to explain about this entire ordeal in full detail, so I am forced to say everything, from the beginning when Kirai kissed me at the park, the fact that we've slept together (not sexually), the fact that I was worried over the remarks that my parents have said in the past over homosexuals, that I accidentally left my phone at the park and that Suji discovered it, that I was forced to join his gang otherwise he would brutally expose me, and that none of the damage done in the house was my fault.

By the time I've finished explaining what's happened, I am a complete mess, and I keep crying for what feels like hours before finally saying "I'm so sorry for disappointing you."

My parents sit opposite me, completely emotionless, before my dad speaks up.

"All of this is your fault, Aisuru."

"The damage done to the house is going to cost a lot of money, and you will be the one to pay upfront for it, not us."

"Do you understand?"

"Yes dad." I stutter, hanging my head in shame.

"I also am going to ask you to terminate your relationship with Kirai from now."

"I am ashamed of you for what you have done."

My blood feels like it is about to freeze, and my chest sinks with such unfathomable regret that I feel as if my heart is about to burst into pieces. My dad tells me to rise from my seat, and he tells me that we as a family are going to go to Kirai's house to tell him that me and him are no longer a couple. With no choice but to follow his orders, we slowly walk out of the ransacked house, and I look down at the ground, zoning out as I get into our family car.

My parents chat amongst themselves as they drive to Kirai's house, and as the journey progresses, I think about all of the memories that we had as a couple. As short lived as it was, it was an incredibly happy time; I remember everything from our first kiss, to the first time we had a movie marathon in bed together, to the last night we were together a couple, just two days ago telling each other about our childhoods and how happy we were to be with each other.

My heart aches so badly, and I just want to run away, but I can't do that at all, or that will just make things progressively worse. Just as I am thinking about the thought of running, my parents park outside of Kirai's house and signal for me to get out.

I slowly get out of the car, and trudge to the front door, tears forming in my eyes, before I shake them off and pretend that I am fine. I ring the doorbell, and patiently wait for him to answer.

This is going to be the most heartbreaking moment of my life. 

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