Chapter Twenty Eight

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The door opens and surprisingly, Kirai's mom answers the door. She welcomes me in happily, not suspecting of what's going to happen next. I walk in pretending that I'm doing great, before heading up to Kirai's bedroom. As expected, I see him there playing video games on a large TV screen, immersed into what looks to be a first person shooter. He spots me and pauses the game before hugging me, and I don't return the hug back, instead staring blankly into space.

He breaks away from the hug, sets up a second and third controller, and says proudly that Jack is coming over too, so we can all play together. I don't say anything, and instead I keep staring into space, scared and riddled with anxiety.

Finally, I deliver what I have been forced to say.

"Kirai, I think we should break up."

His face of joy turns into a face of sadness, and he immediately begins to panic.

"Why?" he says.

"I thought we said that we'd be together for ages, Aisuru."

"It's not happening." I say.

Kirai starts crying, before asking me once again, why I've chosen to break up with him.

Kirai's mom runs upstairs and sees Kirai crying on his bed. He runs to him mom and barrels into her, screaming and crying, while she tries to calm him down. Through tears, he explains what I've just said to him to his mom, and she scowls at me angrily. I feel so much regret that it feels like I'm sinking to the ground, so I decide to be honest.

"Kirai, sit down."

I sit on his bed, and signal for him to sit down.

He comes and sits down next to me, and I tell his mother to go out of the room for a bit, as I wanted to talk with him personally. She does so, scowling at me as she goes back downstairs. I speak up, and I point down at my parents' car.

"You see that car there?"

"That's my parents' car."

He looks over to the window, dumbfounded.


Kirai pauses.

"Did they find out?" he says quietly, looking extremely nervous.

"Yeah." I say.

"They don't like us."

"They told me that I had to terminate our relationship."

Kirai looks at me, his eyes full of understanding.

I decide that now would be the best time to tell him about what happened with me and Suji, and how this all came to be. As nervous as I am, in some ways I feel practically obliged to do so, seeing as he is my boyfriend after all. So, I take a few deep breaths, and admit what's happened.

I start from the beginning; the fact that my phone was stolen by Suji and that I was forced to go the mall in order to meet him. He ends up blaming himself for this, purely because he sent a message with my number when it was stolen, but I tell him not to worry.

The conversation continues with me explaining that I was then forced to join his gang and partake in a robbery as a watchguard and as a money carrier. At first, he seems extremely angry with me, however as I keep explaining, he seemingly understands more and more overtime.

I then proceed to finish by explaining to him about the fact that they wanted to use my house when my parents were away as a den, and after Kanashi told me to run, I ran to his for support and to stay, before I finally tell him about the destroyed house and that it was a plan for me to be exposed (which I only figured out as I was talking to him)

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