Chapter Fifteen

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"Kirai! It's time to get up!"

I have to follow my mother's orders, so after about thirty seconds, I roll over and hit the floor of my bedroom, my blankets wrapped around me like a burrito. Within seconds, I hear her rush up the stairs, kick my door open and she kneels down to face me, my eyes slightly making her figure out.

"Kirai, I thought I heard you fall!" she says grumpily, looking pissed off at me purposely rolling out of bed just to wake myself up. She stomps back downstairs, and I force myself to do my usual routine before heading downstairs to see my dad angrily typing at his laptop, which confuses me, seeing as he isn't much of a writer.

I greet him and pour myself a glass of orange juice before sitting next to my dad to see that he is typing up what looks to be a massive list of some sort. I look closer and see that it is a list of things that he wants to do before his 'mid life crisis' which I find really funny, seeing as my parents got married and had me by the age of nineteen, thus making him thirty six, and my mother thirty five.

On the list of items is the usual things - buy a set of turntables and a PA system to play house and jungle so loud that the plaster on the ceiling falls, buy a Ferrari 458 Italia, go skydiving, raving and drag racing, but amongst the list is a strange thing that he wants. I look closer before I burst out laughing. The thing on the list is "For my son to find a good man that at least knows how to do the shuffle dance." and my dad looks at me before laughing too.

My parents and extended family have known that I've been gay for a fairly long time, and they have accepted me with open arms entirely since I told them when I was 14. I've faced many heartbreaks since then, but its always felt good to come home to a family that know who I truly am and love me for it.

Right now, I'm eyeing up Aisuru Yoma - a guy who's in the same year as me, and is surprisingly my type. He seems to like me, and we have math class together frequently. We have become somewhat friends, and he's introduced me to lots of people who I thought I would never meet - Jack, Danny, Tsuki and Tanoshi. They all seem pretty cool with different interests, and they're fun to hang around with, however at the moment I'm mainly there for Aisuru - who I've been crushing on for a year.

My parents don't know about him purely because I want to keep it a surprise to them, and if everything goes well, I can surprise them by telling them that I'm in a relationship with him at some point in the summer. I've been wanting to 'make my move' for a little while now, and I hope that I pluck up some courage soon.

Today I'm meeting him in a park which I've never been to before, which will be extremely exciting. Just the two of us, completely alone together. Maybe this could bring in some kind of intimacy, or maybe I could make my move at the park.

Either way, the main thing is that I'm seeing him today. And that will be very exciting.

My mother comes into the kitchen holding a washing basket and a handful of t-shirts. She looks at me excitedly before saying "Hope your time at the park goes well with Aisuru, Kirai!" before she returns to her chores. Just as she walks back into the washing room, she puts her head around the corner and gives me a sly wink before she actually returns to what she's doing.

It's as if they know that I basically love him.

For those that want a description, think of him as like a more strange version of Kirito from Sword Art Online - jet black hair, thick rimmed glasses, a face clean of pimples or spots, and a gym body that makes him easily the most popular guy in the school. All of the girls swoon him secretly, but I'm fairly sure he doesn't really care. In terms of personality, he's like Kiba Yuuto from High School DxD - an incredibly charming guy who is reserved, calm and at the same time enthusiastic. Basically, my definition of complete and utter heaven.

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