Chapter Twenty

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Well, that didn't work at all.

Satsujin hasn't heard from Sora's brother in the past week, and my idea to bring him back failed, to the gang's misery. I've been looking more on Tor to try and find someone to replace him, but nothing has come of it unfortunately, meaning that Satsujin has lost one of its key members. I had placed him as the head of one of my operations, and he was going to supply the guns for the robbery when it happened. Because even if I have enough money to buy the pistols, I needed someone to supply, and Sora's brother failed to do so, which is why I decided to take my anger out on his precious younger sister, who just so happened to be at Koenji High.

I'm not really sure what's up with her, I mean if ever had pepper spray pointed at my head, I would definitely not lie, I would be brutally honest just to avoid getting assaulted with chillies. But, she chose to keep being a total imbecile, so I had to do what I had to do.

More importantly, I'm extremely annoyed at Tanoshi for trying to intervene. I mean, even I thought he wouldn't do shit, but he just has to be a "ladies man" and risk himself just for a chance of sleeping with someone.

I need a cigarette...


I'm feeling a little bit better after yesterday, and I'm really glad I managed to get my brother out of that "Satsujin" gang that he was proclaiming about joining. Just after I discovered it was a gang full of dark web drug dealers and potential killers, I had to pull all of the strings; I threatened to call the police on him, I had to deliver him a pretty lengthy ultimatum and it all ended with me showing all of the evidence to our mom, who completely flipped, may I add.

As much as he hates me now, he should thank me in the future for it, as I'm only trying to protect him in any way possible from any harm he could get himself into - especially as he's older than me, which means he has a lot more freedom than I do.

But just because I'm about two years younger does not mean that I can't be more mature than him. In fact, I'm probably the bigger person right now seeing as I'm not the one vaping, doing crimes or trying to find someone to egg on those crimes and make them seem like a very good thing to do.

The name's Sora - I'm your average Japanese girl interested in dance music, nature, and romance anime. I've been living in Koenji for the past seven years - Before that I used to live in Hokkaido with my parents, brother and two dogs. The dogs have since passed, and my brother has tried to turn to a life of crime, leaving me and my parents as the only decent members of the family.

We moved to Koenji after my family took a vacation there and after having an awful elementary school experience, I innocently asked we could live in Koenji, and that's how it's been ever since. Apart from my brother, my family are the textbook definition of perfect, and we always seem to get along no matter what.

Apart from school and my brother, my mind's been filled with the guy who wrestled that "Suji" guy to the ground, and he seems really sweet. I've never had anyone actually stand up for me before in a school environment, so it was definitely a shock, especially as I thought that I'd be pepper sprayed to death by Suji.

Either way, my plan is to try and find him somehow and try to talk to him more, because he seems pretty cool.

Right now, I plan to go out and chill for a little bit, as I don't really have much to do at home. So, I quickly make my way up to my bedroom, and I look under my bed and find a small round device, similar to that of an Amazon Alexa, and press a set of buttons. Within about thirty seconds, the device slowly transforms into a large speaker, and after I say a set of numbers, "Skylar Spence" by Saint Pepsi begins to play from his 2013 album Hit Vibes.

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