Chapter Twenty Five

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I open the door to mom and dad's house to see it completely clean, a rare sight in the Yoma household. Everything is tidied away neatly, and I notice several bags of food on the kitchen counter. Upon looking in, I notice a set of chocolates sitting at the top of one of the bags, so I take them out and pop two of them into my mouth.

I check several of the rooms, and I can confirm that as of this moment, I am the only person in this house. Hell, even our two dogs and their communication devices are gone, leaving just me entirely. I smile at the thought of being alone for this long, and the first thing that comes into my mind is to lull about for a little while and just enjoy myself. I post on my WhatsApp story that I'm home alone and I get several messages from Kirai and the gang all joking about me being alone excitedly.

I chat with the gang for a little while over text and we make arrangements to have a party soon, and I give myself time to set things up for it. Keep in mind, I already have a crap load of food and drinks, so I might just spend some of the money from the recent operation in Satsujin on some good speakers.

But, before I can think about any of the fun with my friends, I get a text from Suji, and upon opening it, my chest sinks with regret over what I had just posted on WhatsApp.

The message, in a nutshell is Suji and the members of Satsujin now want to set up at mine for the week that my parents are away, and I soon realize that I have no choice but to accept them. Turning down my friends and my boyfriend all at once sure was something that I didn't see myself doing at any point in this week, but after delivering the texts, the deal was sealed and now my parents' house had become a den for the rest of the gang.

Things progressed extremely quickly; I had to set everything up specifically for them, and doing that took a little while longer than expected. Once they arrived, they immediately made themselves a little too at home, but I felt powerless. Besides, they were the ones with weapons and they were about ten times more confident than me, so for me it was definitely pressuring having to cater for them.

The only thing that seemingly helped was the fact that Kanashi was there, and despite the fact that he looked as if he wanted to help me, he was powerless too, being one of the lowest ranks in the gang and knowing that if he ever tried to stand up to me or cross a line slightly, he could get himself brutally beaten, or worse; killed.

So, he plays along with the rest of Satsujin and pretends to secretly look down on me, and this does make things harder for me. He plays a convincing villain, and half the time I'm unsure whether he hates me or doesn't. The only thing that tells me that he's on my side is the extremely forgiving look that he flashes me every once in a while.

By the time that dinner arrives, they have completely ransacked the house, making it their own by making makeshift couches, seats and not caring to clean up after themselves. Kanashi doesn't do any of this, and instead stays silent for the majority of the first night they are at mine.

He only speaks when me and him go to get drinks for the rest of Satsujin, and after making several mocktails for them, he pulls me into a spare bedroom next to the kitchen, the only room that hasn't been discovered by Satsujin, and he looks at his hand.

The door is completely open, and I go to close it, but Kanashi wrist locks me as he fidgets with his hands. After a few seconds, I realize what he's doing. Several soundproof pads cover the room, and after about ten seconds, the door shuts quietly on its own.

"Ah, the perks of having a special edition Holophonia dedicated to sound." he says coldly yet somewhat happily.

He sits down onto the bed, and he signals for me to sit next to him. Once I sit down next to him, I try to speak, but I'm cut off by Kanashi.

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