Chapter Thirty Two

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My eyes flutter open slowly, and I am greeted by white lights and the sounds of several machines, all humming in sync with each other. I regain my sight, rub my eyes and look down to see my body covered in scars and I am hooked up to tens of machines. Looking around, I see no-one, the only thing keeping me company being a picture of a pure, white cat. At first, I am confused, wondering how I got here, however I look over to the left of me to see a table filled with cards and flowers and all of my memory comes flooding back.

My phone is next to me, and I check the date - it is now the 19th of July.

I was out cold for almost three days.

The first thing I do is begin to sort through the pile of cards, and as I open them my heart melts more and more. First of all, my parents sent me a card and a set of flowers, which I happily look at for a little while. I then open all of my friends' cards, and I chuckle at all of them, as all of them have funny drawings or stories implemented into them, which I find very cool. Finally, I see that Tsuki has sent me a card, and I hold onto it delicately, slowly tearing the paper open.

I pull Tsuki's card out of the paper, and I see that it is a homemade card. The front is full of golden glitter, and around the glitter is a drawing of me and her at school. I smile at the drawing, and open the card.

"Dear Jack."

"I really hope you read this. I just want to tell you that we are all OK. You probably haven't been told this, but we managed to fight Suji's gang off, and Kirai placed you in the hands of paramedics. Everyone's praying for you, especially me, and I wrote this card just to say how much you've helped me across these past few months. It's been hard for me and I am so glad that you've been there to help for not just me, but all of us."

"Thank you very much, and I hope you wake up to be the same Jack that we all know and love."


P.S - "open the present, one of the nurses should give it to you!"

I put down the card and smile to myself, feeling very warm and fuzzy. I notice a bell next to me, so I ring it and within a few minutes a nurse comes into my room, congratulating me on waking up. I ask her for the present mentioned in Tsuki's letter, and she brings it to me and leaves the room, smiling and humming to herself.

The present is in a small purple box with a green bow tie attached to it. I slowly undo the bow tie and lift the lid to see a small note from Tsuki along with a dozen of red roses. I pick up the note and in bold handwriting, the note says "I like you."

I place the box down on the floor, keep reading the note and then pick up one of the roses, before bursting into tears of unparalleled joy. For a start, I'm alive and I haven't had to get anything amputated, my friends all saved me and then the girl who I've fallen in love with reveals that she feels the same way about me that I do about her. This is certainly something to be waking up to.

I call the nurse back in and I ask her to invite all of my friends over. I give the nurse all of my friends' numbers, and they go off to call them one by one. As I am waiting, I lay in bed happily, glad to be alive and well.

After around fifteen minutes of waiting, I see everyone walk into my hospital room, and I immediately signal Tsuki to come over to me, and she does. By impulse, I cup her cheeks and I kiss her, and everyone around us starts clapping, cheering and whistling. This lasts for about thirty seconds, before we separate from the kiss and she looks at me, beaming, tears falling from her eyes.

She hugs me, and she sits next to me on a spare chair located next to my bed. All three of us end up talking for hours upon hours, and the nurses and staff let us eat dinner together at the hospital. The food isn't that great, but we were all happy in the end and that is what mattered.

Before everyone goes, Danny tells me that Suji has since been arrested and is currently on trial for counts of GBH, use and distribution of illegal drugs, cyber hacking (it turns out that Suji ended up hiring a member of his gang to hack into our phones) and blackmail. It makes us all extremely satisfied that Suji and the rest of his gang finally have gotten their comeuppance.

Upon saying goodbye to them (and after saying a very heartfelt goodbye to Tsuki) nurses come in and detail me of my future stay at the hospital. The plan is, that once I've recovered from my injuries from the fight with Satsujin, I will be discharged from the hospital immediately. They estimate that I will be in hospital for around two or three days, which I can deal with.

At around nine, my parents come to visit and after the many awkward hugs and kisses, my parents bring me some of my belongings from their house, and I take the opportunity to tell them about me and Tsuki, to which they are thrilled. It isn't long though before nurses have to tell them to leave, as it goes past visiting time fairly quickly, to mine and my parents' annoyance.

They leave and promise to come back in the morning, and I bid them farewell before snuggling up into bed. I get a notification on my phone and it is a message from Tsuki. I quickly open it to see that the message is a photo of her smiling cutely and doing the peace sign. Below that is a caption saying "See you tomorrow!" and I quickly reply "See you then." before going to sleep happily.  

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