Chapter Twenty One

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It's been around a week since I properly met Sora, and we've been getting along well over the past couple of days. If I'm honest, the two of us have quite different lifestyles; I play a lot of video games and spend all of my time reading and going to the gym, while she spends a lot of time programming, coding and doing something called "tracking" which she hasn't really explained to me as of yet.

She's a big geek; which is something I like. Throughout my teenage years I haven't really had any time to go into areas that I want to go into such as computing, music and writing, so the closest I've got to that is installing RenPy on my PC two years ago and not being able to run it due to my PC being so bad.

In the present, things haven't been so bad since I managed to protect Sora. It almost seems that Suji's taken a backseat for a little while. I have a feeling that he's plotting his next move at some point, but I'm fairly sure that I'll be able to pull the right strings.

I've almost healed my heartbreak thanks to my interactions with the rest of the gang, and I'm feeling pretty pumped, to say the least. I've mainly spent the last week in my apartment, and I'm spending some of my cuts from Suji's older operations on a better computer and a couple of games just to treat myself for working hard this term.

Now that this school term is almost over, I can begin to relax, purely as the Japanese school system has been kind and high school students now have a holiday of eight weeks rather than the average time of five and a half weeks, which feels like a genuine blessing, even though I'm not religious at all.

I hear a knock at the door, and upon opening it I am greeted with a large cardboard box proudly standing outside of my apartment. I excitedly pick up the box and prop it onto my bed. I've managed to make some space at the corner of my apartment which should be able to fit the computer and the desk that it is going on, which I already fitted a few days prior.

Upon opening the box, I pull out everything that I ordered; a forty one inch OLED 4K monitor, a plastic case with large fans pre installed, an NVIDIA GTX 10K800 graphics card, two sticks containing 1TB of RAM each, sets of LED lights to decorate the case, a copy of Windows 12 Professional Edition and finally, a set of video games, those being the new Elder Scrolls game titled Aironis, a remaster of my favourite visual novel Kanon, a remaster of my all time favourite game GTA IV and finally Aim - a brand new first person shooter sci-fi epic which was unveiled last year at numerous video game conventions.

I slowly begin to build the PC, slotting in everything that I need for everything to run perfectly. After around half an hour, I turn on the computer, and the monitor and tower glow brightly as numerous visuals appear on the large monitor, signalling that everything is working fantastically. I quickly go through the setup process, installing the operating system and the games, and once everything is done I customize the UI to my liking.

Just as I am about to start playing Aironis, I get a call from Sora, and I answer it quickly.


"Morning!" she chirps.

"How's the new PC?" she adds.

"Good." I respond.

"I have Aim, so you can add me on it now." I add.

"I'll hop on in a second then!"


It's been around three weeks since I kissed Aisuru.

These past three weeks have been incredibly exhilarating for me and him, and despite how nervous we both are, we've had a lot of fun in the past weeks. There's been a lot of kissing, a lot of laughing and a lot of happy crying. We are happy together, and despite the lingering feelings of hate from Aisuru's parents, we don't seem to mind so far.

It's now the evening, and the two of us have spent the day at the park that we had our first kiss. Our visits to this park have definitely been a lot less emotional, but still joyful and eventful in some way. The sky is almost perfectly golden, and just looking at it gives me complete and utter goosebumps.

Aisuru moves closer to me, and I hear him slightly open his mouth to speak.


"Do you think this is worth it?" he says sadly.

"You mean the relationship?" I say confidently.


I quickly respond, my mind already programmed on what to say to him.

"Of course I think so."

"Look, I've thought about a time where we never told each other how we felt about each other."

"And, I don't want that, and I'm glad that's not happening."

Aisuru smiles at me shyly before hugging me. Underneath the sunlight, everything feels right for once, and things seem good right now. I see a small shadow come out of the trees in front of the two of us, and I brush it off, and quickly kiss Aisuru again before the two of us part ways for the night.


I've decided to go to the local park and rest for the night. These past few days have been fairly rough, so resting seems like a nice idea. As I sit down onto a bench underneath the gleaming sun, I rest my left arm onto the wood next to me and just as I look over to the right of me, my hands grip a phone.

I pull the phone towards me, and I turn it on. The phone powers on quickly, emitting red and green beams of light as a shrill tone sounds throughout park, coming from the miniscule speakers from the bottom of the phone.

Unexpectedly, there is no passcode or face recognition technology, and I am instantly greeted by the homepage of a random person's phone. The first thing I decide to do, is head to the photo gallery to see whose phone this might be. Not that I'll give it back, but it is definitely interesting to know.

Upon opening the photo gallery, I feast my eyes upon what looks to be tens of photo albums, all labelled "BF" in Japanese along with numerous other terms to distinguish the folders. Upon looking through, I discover that this is Aisuru Yoma's phone.

All of the photos have in them a man, with blondish hair and a similar figure to Aisuru, and judging by the fact that half of the photos have Aisuru and the man kissing, hugging shirtless and being extremely close to each other, I can assume that Aisuru is in a relationship with whoever this is.

I next head to his contacts, and amongst his contacts are only a few people; his boyfriend, parents and a couple of Tsuki's friends, including Jack and Danny.

I head into Aisuru's boyfriend's chat, and after scrolling for a little while, I discover that Aisuru's parents are apparently homophobic, to my surprise. I have a feeling that I can use this to my advantage somehow, so I keep a mental note of this into my head in case I ever want to get a new member into Satsujin.

I place the phone into my pocket, and I relax for a little while at the park until around 11pm. As I am about to walk home, I feel Aisuru's phone vibrate, and I open up the phone to view the notification.

"Hey, just want to say that today at the park was great! Remember, I love you, and I'll see you in school :D

I think I have an idea...

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