Chapter Twenty Six

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I make my way out of Kirai's house and begin walking in the direction of my own. These past few days have been extremely nerve-racking for me, particularly as I've received no updates or texts from Kanashi whatsoever. I'm beginning to believe that all of the stuff that he said was a deliberate set up and that he got me to leave just so Satsujin had maximum control of the house.

As much as I'm angry, he did sound very genuine, and amongst the mixed feelings I do have hope that he's been able to keep the house in good order. I see my house from a little while away, and I smile to myself as I approach my humble abode.

This smile does not last long however, as upon beginning to approach the house, I notice that it looks vastly different from what it looked like almost a week ago. My fears are proven when I stand in front of the house and take everything in, the door ajar.

The front of the house has been graffitied with several emblems, offensive words and the main logo of Satsujin, and amongst that is several broken windows, several glass pieces still remaining on the ground, glistening in the sunlight. Hesitantly, I walk inside, and things are even worse. Cigarette papers are spread all across the living room floor, and on the television a piece of paper stuck to the middle of it says "Your son is gay."

I tear the paper to shreds, and progress to the upstairs bedrooms. My bedroom is somewhat untouched, and I sigh in relief at the sight of the tidy, undamaged room. I do however see that my parents' bedroom door is open, and when I walk in, pins and needles spread all over my body out of sheer anxiety.

On the wall above their fairly large bed, in big black graffiti, are the words "Your son is a homosexual" and below that, several photos of me and Kirai that have been likely trampled on. I look around the room to see that Suji and his gang have printed off my entire photo gallery of Kirai, and it will take me ages, to take everything off of the walls. Once again, their windows are broken and their clothes are strewn around their room.

Just as I am about to walk back downstairs to try and clean up, I hear someone walk in and run upstairs, and I shut the door, guarding it with chairs and other objects incase an intruder has come in to the house. My breathing become shallow and quick, and I throw my fists up ready to do some damage, before I hear someone very familiar.

"Aisuru, it's me." Kanashi says loudly.

The first thing I do is unblock the door, pull the door open and grab Kanashi by the collar, tears streaming down my face. He looks extremely worried, screaming at me to put him down, but I refuse out of sheer anger. I have a very good feeling that he did this, and I need to make him pay.

I stare at him angrily, before attempting to throw a left jab at him, but he wrist locks me, and the same thing happens on my other arm. My next move is to tackle him to the ground, and that is what I do. As he topples downwards, he mumbles quietly before screaming "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" and he pulls the house keys out of his left jacket pocket.

I stop, staring at him, and slowly rise upwards, helping him to his feet. He stares at me and holds his hand out to me, the keys nestled perfectly in his left hand. However, I freeze completely, before the reality of what's just happened, and what's going to happen next, sinks in.

I fall to the ground, and start crying extremely loudly, before the crying turns into screams of pure mental agony.

"I'm going to have to tell everyone."

"Tell everyone what?" Kanashi says, while looking at me in tears.

I stay silent, not saying a word.

"Please tell me what's going on, Aisuru."

"Why is there a shitload of graffiti saying you're in a relationship-"


Kanashi turns to me and his look of bewilderment turns to a look of sadness, and he hugs me.

Without hesitation, I hug him back, not caring that my tears and snot have very likely gone all over his clothes. We keep hugging for what feels like hours, and after I've finally cried so much that I have no tears left, I break away from the hug and sigh defeatedly.

"I went into Satsujin because Suji found an old phone of mine and found loads of photos and texts, all related to me and my boyfriend." I say.

"He told me to meet him and did not disclose a name, and then I was forced to join, otherwise he would have exposed me to my homophobic parents and the whole of my high school." I add, looking at him, hoping for him to understand.

"God, that's horrible." he says, placing his arms around my shoulders.

"Look, I don't have much time, and I'm fairly busy over the next few weeks, but I'm going to give you some advice." he says, smiling.

"Look at it this way."

"You did nothing wrong, and you tried extremely hard to keep all of this a secret."

"Your parents probably never knew they were affecting you, and hey..."

"My dad always said that a problem shared is a problem halved."

"Now's your chance, Aisuru."

"You be brutally honest with your parents, and I bet you'll get a lot of love for it."

"Because, they are your parents."

"They love you a lot more than you think they do."

"And, if it doesn't work out, then you always have me, your friends, and most importantly, your boyfriend."

"Got it?"

"Got it." I reply.

"Besides, the two of us are out of the gang now, so you've done me a favor too." he says, laughing.

I see Kanashi off, and he salutes me as he drives off, and although I feel slightly better, there is that lingering anxious feeling inside my head. However, if I take Kanashi's advice, I'm sure everything will be fine.

The next day passes by extremely quickly, and in the blink of an eye it is the day of my parents' return from wherever they have been. As I wake up on that day, I feel slightly nauseous and worried, however I once again take in Kanashi's advice, and I try my best to remain in a positive mood.

At around mid-day, I'm looking out of the window and I see my parents' car pull up into the driveway. I take a deep breath, and slowly walk downstairs, praying that everything goes well. 

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