7. ᴡᴀʀᴍᴛʜ

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Im questioning myself on my sexuality. I mean I've only done it once and that was with Sabito. But he was more like a brother to me and Shinazugawa is...
Well. Shinazugawa is different? Somehow.
Sabito always hugged me but he never cuddled with me even though I was much closer to him than Shinazugawa.

I'd like to think of Rengoku as a friend..? Ehh. That's going a bit far. Maybe more like an acquaintance. But I've never questioned my sexuality with him either.

There's just something about Shinazugawa. I cant really put my finger on it though. Maybe I should ask him.

"Uh Shinazugawa..? Are you still awake..?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"I just have a question..what's your um...sexuality?"

He props himself up on his elbow and looks me in my eyes. That's a bit awkward. Atleast for me. Should I apologise? Should I tell him that it was a dumb question? What do i do?!

"Well I'm not attracted to women they just annoy me most of the time so I guess I would say that I'm gay. What about you? Why did you bring it up?"

He's gay? I would've thought he was straight. But he's onto me. He knows that I've been thinking about it. I can just tell.

"Oh um no reason I just wanted to know.."

"Tomioka you didn't answer my first question. You answered my last but not my first."

He looks at me suspiciously with his purple eyes. They look like they hold so much. But the way he said that last sentence..it was a bit flirty? Well I wouldn't know because I've never been flirted with. I don't think so anyway..?

"I don't really know my sexuality.."

"Hm. Maybe you're gay?"

There's that tone again. I'm not sure how to feel about it. I'm starting to fidget with my hands it makes me uncomfortable..? No. Not uncomfortable. Nervous.

"I never really thought of it really."

He's eyeing me up and down. If he says I'm gay and I'm questioning it does it mean that I am gay..?

I guess he noticed that I was getting nervous because he stopped using that weird tone and stopped talking about it.


He lays back down and continues watching the movie. I grab my phone off the bedside desk and search up my question.

'If somebody tells me that I'm gay and I'm questioning it does it mean that I am gay'

No proper results. It's all different answers. I just want a yes or no.

"I'm just going to the bathroom I'll be right back."


I leave my phone on the nightstand and get up to walk to the bathroom.

I quickly finish up and walk back into his room to see him with my phone in his hand.

With the open google tab.

"Um..Shinazugawa what are you doing..?"

"You left your phone open on the nightstand."

"Oh. Um."

"Now why are you searching this up?"

"It's just theoretical i guess.."

I slowly get back under the blankets next to him as he sides from looking at the phone. To me. Then back at the phone before turning it off and putting it back on the nightstand and looking at me.

"You sure it's theoretical?"

There's the tone again. Now I feel like he really is flirting with me.

"Uhm yes.."

"Are you really sure?"

He puts his hand on my thigh and leans closer to me with our noses nearly touching. A wide blush spreads around my face again.

"Uh i think so..?"

My throat is getting dry and the palms of my hands are getting sweaty and clammy.

"That's a different answer Tomioka."

He's so close i can feel his soft breath on my lips.

"Well.. i don't really know the answer."

"Well if you keep changing and avoiding the answer then I'm sure I can figure it out for you."

He smirks and his hand moves up my thigh just as i get an erection. Shit shit shit.
What if he feels it and gets disgusted..?! Please this cant be happening. Hes too close and if he keeps using that tone and moving his hand up my thigh I think I'll know where this leads..

"Tomioka are you embarrassed?~"

"Uh. Um.. n-no..?"

"Well that's good because you shouldn't be. Do you know what? I like that shade of red on your face. It suits you. But I'm sure you hate it so let's get rid of it by giving in to its needs."

Giving in to its needs..? What does that mean? And he likes my blush? But before I can even speak he grabs my chin and presses his lips against mine. He lays me down and holds my waist with one hand and caresses my face with the other before pulling his lips off mine.

"God Tomioka your lips are so soft."

"Uh thank you.."

I'm not really sure what he's going to do next but then he presses his lips against mine again and groans. And that's when I feel him moving his hand from my face and
down to my stomach before sticking it down my pants. Is this really happening?
Shinazugawa giving me a hand job in his bed whilst making out with me? I never would've thought this would happen. I thought Shinazugawa hated me?

He keeps thrusting his hand up and down on my dick. And it's feels so good. Too good that I let out a whimper onto his lips.

That set him over the edge. He rubbed faster and harder before biting my lower lip and shoving his tongue into my mouth.
His tongue explores my wet cavern and I can't help but make weird noises I never dreamed of making. But apparently he liked that because he just kept going harder and harder before I exploded in his hand.

He pulled away from my face and grabbed some tissues  and starts cleaning me up.  Then throws the tissues in the bin then facing me again.

"Hm you really enjoyed that didnt you Tomioka."

"..I guess. It was alright.."

"Your dick says differently. You loved it."

"Alright..fine I kinda did. enjoy it."

"I know you did. Because you came right into my hand."

He holds up his hand and smirks at me.

"The answer wasn't on google but now you've got your answer. Tomioka you're gay. And you're gay for me. Now let's finish the movie"

Wow. I guess I am gay. And for Shinazugawa too?

I kinda like that.

"Come on now. Don't be shy."

He pulls me close to him again and rests his chin on the top of my head.

"By the way, no more of that Shinazugawa shit. Call me Sanemi or Nemi even. And that means I'll be calling you Giyuu. You never know maybe I'll think of a nickname for you."


"Good boy."


I know this might be a cringey chapter but in all honesty i really enjoyed writing it. 🤭

𝐻𝑜𝓌 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊..? Sanegiyuu AngstWhere stories live. Discover now