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nopeh79 I'm also laughing and giggling, I just woke up though (8:15 am)

Third Person POV

"Hey uh..Aurora can you come with me for a moment?" Mountain said as he wiped his tears and looked at the tiny ghoulette "yeah..? Okay" Aurora said They bot went outside "What's the matter?" Aurora said breaking the silence "How are we going to tell this to Swiss?" The earth ghoul replied "I know it's hard..but we have to..even though we're already guessing how is he gonna react.." the ghoulette answered "Yeah..I hope it'll be gone soon.." Mountain replied.
(that's how short the conversation is)

They both went inside to see Sodo one last time.

They went home everyone was silent some of them sat on the couch, some of them went to their rooms, while papa is in his office.

Mountain and Aurora went to Swiss room "Hey Swiss? We have some news for you.." Aurora knocked trying to hide the sadness of her voice, surprising Swiss opened it "Can we come in?" Mountain asked Swiss just nodded he Still wearing the same shirt same jeans he wore 3 days ago (Bor didn't even showered) "What's the news.." Swiss said quietly "Sodo is.." Mountain started as tears threatening to fall from his eyes again "..gone" Aurora whispered "What do you mean gone!" The multi ghoul exclaimed and raised his voice making Aurora back away and went beside Mountain "He's dead" (I love seeing the word 'dead' in every angst story~)

The multi ghoul exclaimed.

"He's gone Swiss, they don't know the reason.."
Mountain said, sadness can be found on his voice.

Swiss broke down in tears again
"Get Out" Swiss said sternly
(we're going to use the get out sound from TikTok)

"But-" teh ghoulette tried

"GET OUT! HE'S GONE! HE'S DEAD AND NOT BACK GET OUT!" (I want to write 'Sodo is gone, he's dead' like that but it feels complicated) Swiss shouted and started to throw things at the wall

"Get out.." the multi ghoul said

The ghoul and Ghoulette know he wants some alone time so the just left silently and went to their room.

This line is where Swiss is gonna eh.


Everyone was asleep, except Swiss.
He opened a cabinet with some sleeping pills (got an idea of this on one one shot story I readed but I'm gonna add more) he went to the kitchen and saw something, it's a small pack with saying 'Do not eat' he assumed it's poison cause this is what anything says when it's bad for your health, he grabbed and opened it, he put the powders on the water and mixed it, he made sure to hid the wrap.

He went to his room and wrote something on a paper.

Don't be sad or scared, I already lost Sodo, I can't live here anymore, there's no happiness, only silence.

-Swiss 3:56Am

(That's cringe)

He locked the door and went to a corner, he put the sleeping pills (he took 3) in his mouth and drank the water with poison? Idk.

Few minutes his stomach hurts, his vision went pitch black....he's dead

547 words

Hm...cry or laugh I'll be with laugh tbh

Darkness At The Heart Of My Love (Swiss X Sodo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now