No hope

123 4 7

Threw the dead water ghoul's body in the lake

Third Person POV

No one noticed Rain was missing they just locked themselves in their room.

One time Aurora went out of the room to get some snacks since she's hungry, she went to the kitchen and Opened the fridge, she got some snacks and water she went back.

After she ate her stomach felt like stabbing her and ripping off her organs (I already felt this pain) she cried as the pain kept getting worse until she collapsed on the floor and stopped breathing.

Mountain heard something beside his room, he's between the room of Rain and Aurora. he went outside and went to the ghoulette's room, he was stunned when he saw Aurora on the floor.. with blood dripping on her mouth, he checked her heartbeat and pulse, her breathing as well but no.. there's no signs she's alive...

---1 month later---

It's been a month papa built a cemetery not very far away from the church, where's the dead ghouls are burried...then here when they noticed Rain was missing (he's already dead though) only one thing they have through their mind dead.

---4 days later---

They all woke up except Phantom, who looks like still sleeping, they all ate breakfast quietly, mo argue, no laugh, no fights, after that they all went to their rooms like normal, Cirrus seemed to notice it, but maybe cause he's just tired and wants to sleep.

One time at lunch Cirrus noticed that Phantom still hasn't come down or went out of his room, after she ate, she went to the quintessence ghoul's room, she knocked but no answer, she knocked again but no answer yet, she assumed he's asleep cause he's a deep sleeper, Cirrus decided to leave but still suspicious about it.


It's 2 minutes until dinner they all went to the dining room, as the same the eated quietly, without papa this time cause he ate in his office since there's a lot of work to do "Y'all have seen Phantom? He didn't came out of the room since earlier" Cirrus said breaking the silence they shooked their head "I noticed that too" Mountain replied "Same here.." Cumulus followed "We're only 5 left...why is everyone dying?" Cumulus said chewing the rice "I don't know... it's like...where in a movie...." Mountain whispered but enough for both of the ghoulettes to hear suddenly they heard a scream "AHHHHHH!" then went silent "I recognize that voice.." Cumulus said "COPIA!" Three of them exclaimed at the same time they immediately went to Copia's office, just to see...blood..they followed it..but it stopped, he's missing or worst.. he's dead "What about we check Phantom? It's been so long he hasn't eaten anything yet!" Mountain suggested "Yeah!" Both of the ghoulettes said then they all went to Phantom's room, the door was locked, so it won't open, the only choice is to break it.

They managed to break it with a hammer to see Phantom laying on his breath, not breathing, his heart is not rising up o down, his pulse is not beating "No no no! Wake up!" Cumulus exclaimed as tears Started to form on their eyes again they all shaked Phantom violently, but no.. he's Dead, "" Cirrus said and broke down to tears "First, Sodo then Swiss, then Rain, then Aurora, then Phantom?, WHY!?" Mountain exclaimed as he cried as well.

580 words

2 deads in a chapter.

Who laugh? Me!
Who cried?

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