Chapter One

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09:00 AM
I've been awake for over an hour now, I return back to Hogwarts today for my Fifth year. I wish I could say I am excited, but honestly I'm not. I'm a Gryffindor, same year as Harry Potter, the boy who lived. I don't particularly dislike him, but I must admit it is difficult going through my whole Hogwarts journey with him in the same year and house as me. Not to sound selfish or anything but this is my journey at Hogwarts too. No I must admit I do feel sorry for him. It's not his fault either, he didn't ask for any of this.

I lie in my bed and sigh. I feel rather tired, I didn't sleep much last night. Not because I'm excited, more like I dread the thought of going back. I've been bullied a fair amount by most girls in my house. I don't know if it's because I did something wrong, or if they're jealous or they just don't like me. I will admit. I'm not ugly, no one is in my opinion, but I would say I am pretty. Not beautiful though, I don't believe I am beautiful. I'd say my body is rather average, I have a nice waist and I'm lucky enough to have a somewhat flat stomach. My eyes are blue like an icy ocean at sunrise. My hair is dirty blonde, but I do dye it from time to time. Nothing crazy, but maybe a light brown or a lighter blonde. My boobs are fairly big, but not too big, and I have a nice plump bum. But I do work out in my spare time, I can thank squats for that.

I look to check the time. 09:37 AM. I sigh once more and double check my bags, making sure I have everything I need. Once I checked everything I pick them up and bring them downstairs and place them by the door. I find my mother in the kitchen drinking her coffee. "Good morning dear, all packed and ready to go?" My mother asks before taking a sip of her coffee. My mother is a muggle-born, but my father was a pure-blood. Was as in past tense. My father died when I was young, leaving me and my mother alone. She raised me up in a muggle city called London, I was raised as a muggle too. "Yes mother, do you think I still have time to have a cup of coffee before we leave?" I asked my mother as she nods while reading the newspaper. "Yes dear, but make it quick, we have to leave in a few minutes." She says. "I'll put it in my to go cup then." I say as I start to make an iced coffee. I don't normally eat in the morning, it makes me feel rather nauseous, but I will drink an ice coffee to wake me up a little bit.

Once I finished making my drink my mother and I picked up my bags and placed them in the car. We don't live too far from Kings Cross Station, but the traffic in London is awful. So mother and I prefer to leave early, rather early than late. We hop in the car and I pop on the radio. I smile as a song I knew came on. Both my mother and I had the same music taste. We sang our hearts out as we drove to the train station.

Once we arrived I had finished my drink and left my cup in the car, my mum said she'd clean it once she got home. We got my bags and walked towards the platform 9 3/4. We were there 15 minutes early, I gave my mother a big hug as we said goodbye. I took my luggage and walked onto the train to find a compartment. Truth be told I liked being early, it means I get to find a compartment to myself, as most people don't like me or don't know me they won't go into the same one as me as they would want to be with their friends.

If I'm honest I'm not expecting many people to return to Hogwarts this year. Last year, when I was in 4th year, Harry entered the Triwizard tournament. Cedric Digory died, Harry screamed and cried on top of the boy claiming that "he who shall not be named" had returned. Many people did not believe him. Me on the other hand, I was not sure on what to think of the matter. Harry had no reason to lie, but then again maybe he was testing who really believed him or not. Either way I would rather not be involved.

I check my watch to see the time. 10:50 AM. Students will start rushing into the train around now. I pull up my hoodie and grab a book, hoping no one will come and bother me. To my not surprise, the train is fairly empty this year.

⚠️Light bullying/Harsh language⚠️

I read my book in silence. For about an hour before o hear some giggling from outside my compartment. I turn to face the door to see a bunch of Gryffindor girls. I sigh and face my book once more, I tried not to pay too much attention to the girls but I must admit my heart rate did rise. These girls made my life a living hell for the past 4 years. One of the girls opens the door. "Oi, Wood!" The girl snickered as she looks at her friends then back at me waiting for a response. Nothing. I gave the girl nothing and continued to read my book. Clearly she did not take this well. She grabbed the book out of my hands and held it up high. "Oi you bitch I was talking to you!" She raised her voice slightly, very much annoyed. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the girl and stood up. "Give it back Johnson." I pleaded. She laughed and passed it back to one of her friends who started to rip apart the book. Damn, that was a limited addition, my mother paid so much to get that book for me, now it's just torn into pieces like it didn't matter. I teared up slightly but decided not to cry in front of them. They did not deserve my tears. "You're so pathetic you know that right?" The girl pushed me against the window. "You know no one would miss you if you just disappeared." She smirked and leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear "everyone would be better off." She chuckled to herself before leaving my compartment with her friends as they laughed. I sighed and looked back down at my book that was now nothing but a pile of ripped up paper. It was something so wonderful, now it's nothing. I picked up all the pieces and put them in my bag, I'm sure there is a spell that'll fix it, I'm sure Hermione would help me, she's smart like that. I got up and brushed my off my knees, trying to ignore what had just happened. I had noticed the girls were in their uniforms so I'm guessing we are close to Hogwarts. I grab my uniform out of my bag and go to the bathroom to change.

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