Chapter Five

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07:30 AM

It's been a couple of weeks since this year at Hogwarts has started. I've become closer with the Slytherin boys, and my Gryffindor friends don't really talk to me. Fred and George will occasionally say hi to me when Ginny, Harry and Ron aren't around. Hermione also tries to spend time with me, she doesn't believe the rumours about me, which makes me really happy. But unfortunately Harry, Ron and Ginny think otherwise. Fred and George are fairly mutual on the matter, they don't care really, they just think it's silly drama that they don't want to be apart of.

Enzo and I have become the bestest of friends, we do everything together. And Theo has helped so much with my eating, we go for a run every morning too, and whenever the bullying gets bad again he calms me down and makes sure I don't start to starve myself again. He tells me I'm beautiful, but I think he says that just to be nice. Mattheo and I have become study buddies, we're in a lot of classes together and he's so smart too! He's a bit flirty but he's like that with all the girls, at first it made me feel all giggly when he would wink at me, but the more I spend time with him the more I realise it's just how he is. I thought I'd feel jealous in a way, but I guess it just made me feel more comfortable. Tom and I spend Sundays together reading and discussing books we think will be good. He doesn't talk much when other people are around, but when it comes to books and it's just us? He's awesome! He is actually very talkative, he talks with these big words and I don't understand what he's saying sometimes but it just makes sense in a way. And Draco teaches me how to play quidditch, and I'm actually quite good at it. I need to get better at flying on a broom, but he's helping me with that too. They're all so kind. And Pansy and Daphne and I became closer within the last week, we had a project together and we had such an amazing time. I found out that Pansy likes Draco, Daphne likes this boy called Blasie, I think it's rather cute.

⚠️ mention of self harm /eating disorder ⚠️

Unfortunately the bullying hasn't stopped, most days it's manageable, but then I get those days where it gets to me. Which is normal, anyone would feel this way if a group of people constantly brought you down for no reason. But it's okay, I have my new friends to help me through it. Unfortunately none of them are aware of my self harm, only Theo and Enzo are aware of my eating problem, but nothing else. And I want it to stay that way. My new friends just think that it was just rumours and didn't believe it, which relieves me in a way, I didn't want them worrying about me hurting myself, Theo and Enzo do that enough by constantly asking me if I've eaten.

Today is a Friday, lucky for me Friday is a short day for me, the teachers wanted us to spend more time studying. This year we take our OWLs (Ordinary Wizarding Level exams). I spend most of my Fridays in the library, it's actually where I get to spend time with Hermione. On the rare chance Harry and Ron will be there so I can't spend time with her, but today is one of those days where she's not with anyone.

I was by one of the shelves looking for a book on DADA, I'm an average student, I'm not smart nor am I dumb, but I will admit, I struggle a fair amount in this class, I excel more in charms and astrology, and I've been getting better at Broom flight class and history of magic. However the best class I am at is Muggle Studies. My mother is a muggle and she brought me up as a muggle so I know all about them, I actually help my friends with this class as they are all pure bloods or half bloods, but all raised in the wizarding world. The only other people I know to be brought up as muggles were Harry and Hermione.

While searching for my book I see Hermione sitting alone in the corner where we always sat, I smiled and walked over to her. "Hey Mione!" I whisper shouted to her, she looked up at me and hugged me "hey Evie, we studying together?" I nodded. "However, I am expecting some of my Slytherin friends to come, is that okey? They'll be nice I promise" I said sitting down next to her. She nodded. "Hey, Mione?" She looked up at me curious on what I was going to ask. "Do you know where I can find the Defence against the dark arts book, I'm really struggling in that class and I was hoping to look at the book to see if I can get better at it." Hermione sighed, "Umbridge and her silly rules, we don't use those books anymore, we're stuck with these." She handed me a book and I looked at it in disgust "this has nothing to do with defending ourselves, or even magic." Hermione sighed at my response "yes I know, it is quite frustrating, but nonetheless it's what's going to be on the test." I opened the book and started reading and making notes. Stupid Umbridge changing everything.

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