Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up to loud banging on my door. My heart sunk as I went into panic mode, I grabbed my wand and hesitantly walked over to my door. My heart was pounding in my chest. I opened the door and held my wand to the person that stood on the other side. I heard a low chuckle. I saw Tom, he placed his finger on my wand and lowered it, "we both know you won't do anything with that Evie." Tom smirked. I sighed in relief and hugged Tom. He frowned and hugged me back, "I'm so sorry for everything" he held me close. "Why were you banging so loudly?" I looked up at him, pouting. Tom rolled his eyes as he walked into my room and looked around, "you didn't answer any calls or messages, I then went to Enzo and found out where your room was." I looked to the side and scratched the back of my head, "haha.. sorry Tom, I didn't sleep til late" I sat back on my bed and grabbed my pillow and hugged it. Tom stood and observed my room. "How are you doing?"he said in his low but gentle voice. "I dunno.. Enzo came to mine early in the morning and apologised, asked to try again.."
"What did you say?" Tom questioned while he raised an eyebrow. "I wanted him happy so I said yes.." I answered honestly, Tom looked at me confused, "you're not happy?" I sighed and looked up at him, "he told me that he's always so happy but with me he's not, but he wanted to try again, and he scared me when he was so rude to me in the hospital.." I hugged my knees, burying my face in my knees. "I'll be honest, the whole time I've known Enzo he's never raised his voice.. maybe he isn't happy either." Tom now sat on the edge of my bed. "You think..?" Tom just nodded. I sighed. "How was your Christmas? I looked up at him trying to change the subject." Tom rolled his eyes, "do you know who my father is? I didn't get a Christmas, Mattheo and I were forced to go out on missions for my stupid father." He seemed annoyed. I placed my hand on Tom's hand and smiled softly "it's okay, next year you and Mattheo can have Christmas with me." Tom chuckled softly. "Thank you Evie"

Tom and I decided to go get some food since I haven't really eaten. We made our way to the great hall, not many students were there, but to my surprise I saw Ginny sitting on her own. Strange, normally she would be at home with her family. I sat with Tom on the Slytherin table and picked up some food and started eating. Tom and I were talking about the book I got him for Christmas and again, to my surprise Ginny walked over to me. "Hey.." Ginny said hesitantly, she looked at Tom then back at me, "can we talk? It's important.." she seemed upset. Tom looked at me, seeing if he should intervene or not. I smiled softly, "sit" I said as I took a sip of my coffee. She looked at Tom and then back at me, "privately, if possible. Tom is kind of.."
"Scary?" Tom said with a smirk on his face, Ginny nodded. I laughed, "unfortunately I'm not leaving Tom's side today, I've had a crappy past two days so Tom stays," I said looking at Tom who was still smirking at the fact people find him scary. Tom already knows he's scary but he loves it more when people actually admit it, it definitely boosts his ego. Ginny looked at Tom again and sighed before sitting down next to him, not close to him but not far from him me either. "I wanted to apologise" I looked a bit shocked, I honestly forgot about it as I had a lot of other issues going on. "I was a jerk for ignoring you, Hermione had a massive go at me for being so cruel." She sighs. "If I'm honest, I kind of had no choice, Angelina blackmailed me!" I raised an eyebrow, "blackmailed you? How?" I questioned, seeing the panic in her face. "She caught me doing something embarrassing, and said she would tell the whole school if I didn't give her any dirt on you. Obviously I wasn't going to say anything, but then they said that you and Harry were making out and then I just got angry.. jealous even." She was fidgeting with her hands as she spoke to me. I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. "You told her I cut myself, Harry said I did it for attention and that I said we fucked when you know damn well I don't even like Harry!" I raised my voice slightly. "You told the one person who causes me so much pain that I harm myself because you believed a stupid little lie she said about me?!" I stood up furious. Tom spoke up, "Evie, sit. You're making a scene, you'll regret this later, sit and let's be civil." He said in his low voice. "No! Screw being civil! You made my life hell because you believed a stupid bitch for saying a stupid lie! I don't like Harry! He's not even my type!"
"No of course you don't like Harry! You just like your stupid Slytherin bad boys!" Ginny stood up as well raising her voice. "You embarrassed me in front of the whole school, told them something that was meant to remain a secret between me you and Hermione because you didn't want to be embarrassed yourself?! I thought we were friends Ginny!" She started to tear up as I yelled at her more, "we are friends!"
"No friends don't treat each other like crap telling their darkest secrets to some gobby cunt who will tell the whole school! I would rather let myself be embarrassed for a couple of weeks than do that to my friends!" Ginny started crying as I continued to tell her off. "I'm sorry Evie! It was wrong I know I'm sorry!" Ginny pleaded with me, I wasn't having it, I was so furious, I let out so much anger that I had been holding in for months. "You treated me like those rumours were true! Ginny I lost my friends because of you! I had to start again, but you know what. I'm glad you treated me like shit. It opened my eyes to see who my real friends were. Now I have amazing friends in Slytherin, and guess what? They don't spread rumours about me to the person who makes my life a living hell! Fuck you Ginny!" I walked off wiping my tears away, Tom followed and rest his arm around my shoulder.

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