Chapter Eighteen

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8:30 AM

It was the weekend. The weather started to get a bit warmer now so my friends and I all decided to go to the black lake for the day. I packed my bag which had a towel, a hoodie, some snacks, some drinks, my sketch book and some pencils. I wore a beautiful matching black bikini set, Pansy made me. And on top of that I wore some shorts and a baggy top. I was worried about my scars but Hermione reassured me that no one will notice them. I took her word for it. I left my hair out and put on some waterproof mascara. Then I grabbed my bag and walked down to the great hall. We were all going to have some breakfast before we left. Once I arrived I sat down and started to put some food on my plate. I was really nervous. This was the first time I had my arms out in three years. Enzo sat next to me and smiled. "Hi Enzo" I said softly, he smiled back "hey, I see you got your arms out, I just wanted to let you know that no one will judge you, we all love you and if it makes you uncomfortable of us bringing it up I'll make sure no one does." Enzo spoke softly as well, he was so caring. "Thank you Enzo" we hugged and then Enzo went to sit next to Draco who was on the other side. Enzo and I are on good terms now, however he still doesn't forgive me for what I did, and I don't blame him. What I did was horrible. I still haven't spoken to Theo since last night. He was at the table with us, he seemed fine, but he has his moments where he looks upset. I feel awful, I do, but I meant it when I said I don't deserve to be with him, after hurting Enzo I don't deserve to be with anyone.

After breakfast we all made our way to the black lake. While we were walking Hermione walks over to Pansy and whispered something into her ear. I watched them and saw Pansy get annoyed. Pansy then called me over, I walked over to them. "Is everything okay?" I asked. Hermione looked guilty and Pansy just seemed annoyed. "Everything is fine, but Harry asked if he can come with some friends, meaning Ron and his siblings, Luna and Cho." Mione said as she looked at me, she felt guilty because she knows what they did to me. I nodded, "Sure, more the merrier, right?" I smiled then Pansy looked at me confused "what about Harry? Didn't he ask you out?"
"Yea, but, Harry is still obsessed with Cho I doubt he'd pay much attention to me." I chuckled. Hermione smiled and then texted Harry letting him know that they can come join us. I took both the girls hands and walked to the lake.

Once we arrived the boys were already jumping into the lake. It was an amazing sight, the boys have been so stressed lately, it's good to see them loosen up. Hermione and Pansy undressed themselves and they were wearing matching bikinis, which I thought was adorable. Then they jumped into the lake hand in hand. I smiled at the sight of them, they were so happy. I was sat down leaning against a tree, I took out my sketch book and started sketching. After a couple of minutes a voice spoke "Evie!" I turned around to see Daphne hand in hand with a tall man. I looked at him then realised who it was, "is that your boyfriend?" I asked. Daphne nodded. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Blasie." He spoke in a low voice, and held his hand out. I took it and shook his hand, "I'm Evie, everyone else is in the lake I'll join you guys in a bit okay?" I hummed and they nodded they undressed into their bathing suits and ran into the lake. I smiled and continued to sketch.

"What a wonderful drawing" a peaceful feminine voice spoke to me, I turned around to see Luna. Luna and I were partners in Herbology last year so I knew who she was. "Thank you Luna, where are your friends?" I asked, she sat by me and then pointed to a group of people heading our way. I nodded "alright then." I smiled and kept on sketching. Luna spoke to me about many wonderful things, I'll be honest I didn't understand most things she had said but either way it was calming listening to her voice. Harry, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George and Cho stopped by me to say hi before jumping in the lake as well. And after a while Luna joined in. Soon enough I was finishing up my sketch. "It's a beautiful drawing." A low voice spoke to me, I turned around to see Theo. I smiled. "Thank you Theo." He sat next to me and chuckled to himself. I turned around confused. "What?" I asked him. "It reminds me a bit of when we first met." He looked at me, pure joy was all he felt when he spoke about us meeting for the first time. "Yeah, but you were smoking then, you're not now." I leaned my head on the tree. "Well I took a smoke before I came up to you. I didn't want you to lecture me on how it was a bad habit" he laughed softly, I did too. Then it was silent for a moment. Not an awkward silence, more like a peaceful silence.

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