Chapter Twenty Three

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4:13 pm

I was stuck in detention with Professor Umbridge, I was acting up in her class, refusing to do work, and whenever Angelica or one of her minions tried to torment me I'd bite back, yet I was the one in trouble? Professor Umbridge favoured Angelica and her friends, I don't know why. I haven't seen much of Hermione, Ron or Harry and if I'm honest Draco started obsessing over them and became the class' teachers pet. Draco was so obsessed with finding Harry and stopping Dumbledores army or something? I'm not sure I was so out of it I didn't even know what day it was anymore, the last few months have been a huge blur, I've been so miserable I felt so numb. I was always stuck in detention, whether it was for disrupting the class, not doing my homework, or just turning up high or drunk. I'm failing all my classes, Theo is disappointed, worried mostly. Enzo keeps trying to talk to me, Tom occasionally would try and talk to me too, Hermione would just tell me off, Pansy was worried but didn't know what to do. I'm a lost cause I guess. I couldn't help me, neither could they.

Professor Umbridge had me writing down on a piece of paper about how "sorry" I am for being rude to Angelica and her friends. I had to write at least ten pages about how rude I was and how my words could "affect her mental health". It was bullshit, it was all bullshit. Once I finished the ten pages I gave them to Professor Umbridge, placing them on her desk and grabbing my bag. I wanted out of their quick. She tried to speak but mid sentence I slammed the door shut and left, she was lucky I even showed up.

I walked down the halls of hogwarts looking outside. It's the beginning of summer, I know, where did my year go? Honestly, I don't even know, all I knew is once it's time for the summer holidays I have to go back home to my mum, I haven't seen her since Paris.. but it's fine.

While I walked down the hall I bumped into someone, it was Harry. "Evie, you okay?" Harry said, he seemed concerned, you could hear it in his voice, he didn't even hide his worried expression. I just shrugged. "Any parties happening that you know of?" I asked, he just sighed. "Yeah, why?" He looked down at me, I rolled my eyes. "I wanna get drunk, dance and get high, duh" I said as I looked up at him, crossing my arms, I was starting to get annoyed. Why else would I go to a party? Harry shook his head. "Sorry Evie, I don't think you should, I'm kind of worried about you. So is everyone else.." he held his hand out to me, as if he were to grab ahold of my shoulder, I knocked his hand out of the way and walked off. I was so annoyed, worried about me? Why would he be worried about me? I'm fine.

I made my way to my dorm and found Theo sat down at my desk, I looked over at him and smiled. "Theo!" I giggled softly as I went up to him, I was about to hug him but he looked up at me frowning. "You either had detention again or you were getting high or drunk. Where were you?" He sounded pissed. Crap. "Detention, with Umbridge." I looked at him frowning. He rolled his eyes and stood up, "what did you do this time?" He rubbed his forehead in a stressed manor. "Angelica and her crappy friends were tormenting me again, I fought back yet I was the only one getting in trouble. It's not fair you know, injustice and that crap." I rolled my eyes and made my way to my bed, as I was walking he grabbed my arm and turned me around. I looked at him, I felt so guilty, I was being such a bad girlfriend. "This isn't you Evie.. I don't know what's going on and I don't know how to help you.." he sounded so upset, my heart was breaking as his voice cracked. "I-I'm trying my best.." I looked up at him, I really felt bad. "Evie I.. this isn't easy.. I don't know how to say this.. but.." my heart stopped, I knew exactly what was happening. "No it's cool, I get it." I laughed to hide the fact I was about to break into a million pieces. "I was think the same thing anyway, we haven't been right for a while. Totally makes sense." I smiled up at him. He looked down at me frowning, he held my hands. "I just think you need time, to be better. We're so right for each other Evie, but this isn't our time.. not yet." He frowned and pulled me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around him and gripped onto his shirt, trying my hardest not to cry. "When you're better.. we will do everything you wish for.. I promise" he pulls away from the hug as he whispers softly, his hand makes his way to my chin, making me look up at him. He smiles softly then kisses me softly, I try to hold the kiss for as long as I could, he pulled away after a moment then just like that, he left.

Fuck. He left. He broke up with me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, my heart was beating faster, I started sweating, it's like the walls were closing in on me. I backed up until I was against my wall, I loosened my tie and my breaths became quicker. I slid down the wall gripping onto my chest, my silent cries echoed in my mind, all I wanted to do was scream but nothing. Nothing escaped. It's like I was trapped. I grip onto my shirt tightly as I knocked my head back into the walls. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I can't function without him. I need him. He was the only reason I was trying to get better. My sadness and panic quickly turned into anger. Angelica. She's the reason I'm like this, I'll feel better once I make her feel this pain.

I stood up and got dressed, there was a party tonight, Harry said so, I just have to find out where it is. I'll look hot, I'll wear my little black dress, the one that Theo likes, I'll make him regret breaking up with me. And at least I'll look good beating the crap out of Angelica.

I got dressed into my little black dress, I put on my black boots, my hair was down, it was long. I grabbed my phone and looked at a couple of peoples stories, the party was in the Slytherin common room, perfect. I made my way there, once I arrived I looked around, everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves. I walked over to the drinks table and grabbed a drink, I made my way to Mattheo who was sat in the couch getting high. "Matty, seen Angelica anywhere?" I smiled at him while I took his spliff off of him and started to smoke it. "Oi, that's mine. And no, I didn't invite Gryffindor's" he rolled his eyes, grabbing my drink off me. I sighed dramatically and rested my legs on his. "She'll show up, she's a slag, she'll find a way. She always does." I complained and continued to smoke. Mattheo looked at me and sighed, "Theo's upstairs in his dorm by the way, he seemed upset, do you know why?"

I rolled my eyes and swapped his spliff for my drink back. "He broke up with me. I'm too damaged for him." I sounded annoyed, and I was annoyed. I drank my drink and looked around the room, looking for Angelica. "He's worried about you, I am too" Mattheo said as he placed his hand on my thigh. I looked over at his hand then up at him. "I'm fine Matty, seriously." I said as I continued to scan the room. "Yeah, you seem it." He took a puff of his spliff and sighed leaning his head back. "Why do you want Angelica?" He looked at the ceiling. "She thinks she can get away with tormenting me, I'm fighting back, once she realises I'm not to be messed with then, she'll stop messing with me, I'll be good then, Theo will want me back." I said as I looked around the room, I found her. I stood up and made my way over to her.

"Oi. Angelica." I spat out, she turned around and I threw my drink in her face, then punched her in her face. She gasped then yelled her cheek, "what the actual fuck?! Are you crazy?!" She screamed at me. "No, just showing you not to mess with me, stupid bitch." I yelled back at her. She glared at me and growled. And lunged for me, her hands were around my neck, choking me. I glared up at her and tried to push her off. We fought for a couple of minutes before someone pulled us away, it was punch after punch, kicking and slapping, pulling and grabbing, scratching and yanking. Both of us by the end were pretty banged up. Enzo had grabbed me away and walked me to a bathroom. He grabbed a cloth and wet it, dabbing the blood off my face, I rolled my eyes as I sat down. "I'm fine Enzo" I said, clearly annoyed. He sighed.

"You're not fine, you haven't been fine for a while." He sighed and looked up at me, "I haven't been a great friend, I haven't paid much attention to you, I've been so busy with Lucy.. she's my girlfriend now. She's really sweet. You should hang out with her some more, she might help you.." he spoke so softly, I just rolled my eyes. "Go away Enzo, I'm fine, and I don't want to be friends with her. I don't want any friends. You all suck." I pushed him away and stood up. He just frowned. "I don't know what's going on Evie, but I hope you get back to normal soon" Enzo spoke softly before leaving.

It was just me, I was on my own. I sighed and looked at the mirror. I had a bloody nose and a black eye, a couple of scratches and cuts and bruises but I was fine. I wasn't fine. Who was I kidding? I looked into the mirror, disgusted with the reflection looking back at me. I punched the mirror and broke the glass. "Fuck!" I yelled back at myself and kicked the sink.

After kicking and punching a bunch of stuff in the bathroom I made my way to my dorm, I did what I wanted. I got dressed into Theo's oversized shirt and laid in bed. I got my revenge, now Angelica won't bother me. Now I can get better. Now Theo will want me back. Right?

Heyyyyy guys :))

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know the last few chapters have been quite dark but I promise it'll get better soon!!

-Charlotte B.

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