Chapter Twenty Four

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It's been a few weeks since the party, my attempt to get revenged completely sucked. I got in huge trouble with Professor Dumbledore, and got suspended for a few weeks, I was forced to go home. My mother and I argued the whole time. She kept me longer than my suspension to make sure I was clean before going back to school. And I am, a couple of weeks clean, I'm sober, hopefully I can stay this way.

I was in Professor Dumbledore's office, he looked at me and sighed. "Miss Lockwood, are you feeling well? Your mother mentioned she was keeping you longer, so you could, be better." He exclaimed, I nodded in response. "I'm better Professor, it was difficult but I'm okay now." I smiled, he nodded. "Very well, it's time for dinner now, you need to eat if you're going to study hard." He smiled.

I made my way to the great hall and sat with Hermione, she hugged me tightly. "Evie! You're back!" She had the biggest smile on her face. "I am" I replied, she showed me her book. "Look at what Professor Umbridge is making us learn! It's awful!" She groaned, I just chuckled in response. "Was there any point in coming back?" Ron just looked at me annoyed, "there's only a week left, why are you back?" Harry added, he smiled softly. "I have some things to make up for, people to apologise too." I spoke softly as I ate my food. "Are you going to make up with Theo?" Hermione giggled, "he misses you so much Evie!" I nodded at her, "that's the plan Mione"

After dinner I waited outside the great hall, looking for Theo, he walked passed me and I smiled. "Teddy" I reached out toward him, he frowned. "Cara Mia.. I'm busy." He frowned and walked off, I watched him walking off confused. Then I saw Enzo. "Enzo!" I smiled, he looked at me. "Evie?" I hugged him tightly "I'm sorry Enzo, I was an asshole to you, I'm so sorry" I felt Enzo smile softly as he hugged me back. "I forgave you ages ago, but Theo isn't in a good place. Try to talk to him" Enzo said as he pulled away from the hug. I nodded. "I will, I'll find him."

I left Enzo and made my way to Theo's dorm and knocked on the door. "Theo.. it's me, it's Evie. I took some time, I'm good now, I'm better.. you said to come back when I was better." I leaned against the door, waiting for him. After a moment he opened the door and looked down at me. Enzo was right, he didn't look like he was well. "Teddy.." I reached my hands out to hold onto him but he pulled away. "Evie I don't want to be with you. I'm glad you're well, but I don't love you anymore." And just like that, he closed the door. What? He didn't love me anymore..?

I turned around and left, defeated. All of this, for nothing? I made my way back to my dorm and sat down, devastated. I sighed. If Theo didn't love me anymore, then what was I even doing with myself? I failed every class this year, I lost the most amazing boyfriend, I couldn't go home because my mother hated me, I had nowhere to go. Theo was the last thing to keep me going, I had nothing without him. I went through my draws and found some weed and alcohol, I know I just got clean but, this was all too much for me.

The next few hours I spend getting high and drunk, I don't remember what happened after that. But the next thing I knew I was in the hospital wing..

Toms POV

It was late, and I decided to wander the halls. I could not sleep, so I decided to go look for Evie, she was behind on her work after her foolish behaviour. I decided she needed some help, plus, I found a book she might enjoy.

As I walked towards the.. Gryffindor common room I saw someone walking the halls, or shall I say stumbling and giggling. Dammit. Was she up to this nonsense again? I followed the person, without their knowledge, of course and watched what they were doing, if this was Evie I had to make sure she was okay. She's the only person I can actually tolerate, plus, I was slightly concerned with her behaviour.

Whoever it was wandered the halls for several minutes until they walked into the bathroom, some other people were there, I kept my distance so no one could see me. They looked like they were exchanging stuff. I was unsure of what it was, the other people had left and laughed as they did so. I looked back over to the person I had been following. It looked like she had some sort of.. pills? They took a bunch of them, this didn't seem safe. I looked at the people who were leaving and followed them out. "What did you give her?" I asked coldly, my arms crossed as I looked down at the pathetic people in front of me. They looked up scared. "I don't know! We just found them, we just wanted to make some money!" One said, "don't hurt us, please! We were just having a laugh!" Said the other. I rolled my eyes and looked at the third one. "I don't know! Seriously!" They ran off. Pathetic.

I walked back into the bathroom to find the person on the floor. Damn it. I walked up to them, and I came to find that my suspicions were right. It was Evie. I knelt down and looked at her. "Stupid girl.." I spoke to myself quietly. I tried to wake her up but she didn't. After a minute or two I became quite worried, I checked her pulse. It was weak. I picked her up and walked to the hospital wing and laid her on the bed and waited for Madame Pomfrey. "Madame, she was given some pills, I'm not sure what, I suspect she was high or drunk beforehand. She's struggling, someone must have given it to her, she was getting better." I explained. She nod and asked me to leave. So I did.

I waited outside. It's been a while since anything was said. I looked into the hospital wing to see Madame Pomfrey using healing spells. I sighed and saw Theo walking by. "Theodore." I spoke. He looked up at me, "Tom?" He seemed confused. "Did Evie speak to you after dinner?" I asked, he frowned. "Yeah why?" He asked. "She took these pills, I thought she wasn't foolish enough to do this anymore. Did something happen?" I looked at Theo, I was worried. Theo just rolled his eyes. "She was better, yeah?" He sighed and started to walk off, hands in pockets. "She was. What happened?" I asked again. "She said she was better, and I told her I didn't love her anymore." He sighed and looked back at me. "Is that true?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking at the male who stood in front of me. "No." He spoke quickly and quietly, like he was ashamed. "Is this because what happened? You need to get over yourself." I glared at him, "if you're honest she will understand, she probably wouldn't even care." I exclaimed. Theo just rolled his eyes and walked off. "Coward!" I yelled at him then looked away.

"Why do you even care?" Theo snapped back at me, I looked at him with a confused expression. "She never told me why you guys were close, she just said you guys got along. Why? You hate everyone." He was pissed off, and probably jealous. "Theodore, Evie is.. well.." I tried to figure out an answer but I couldn't, not very well. I sighed. "Evie understands me in a way no one else does, she doesn't see my father when she looks at me. She was never scared of me. She and I got on, we have things in common, we enjoy reading the same books, she entrusted me with secrets no one else knows. She sees me as a person, as who I am rather than who people think I am, that's why I care. Because there is so much more to her, so much more than she would allow us to see. She loves you Theodore. She wouldn't stop texting me when she was off, asking how you were doing. She was getting better for you, she did get better. Just just slipped." I looked at Theodore as I explained. He just sighs. "She wouldn't love me anyway.. not anymore."

"She wouldn't care about that Theodore, trust me. She wouldn't cared if I got it, or Draco, or Enzo, or Mattheo or anyone else. She doesn't let this stuff define you." I looked at Theodore and he just sighed. "Whatever." He spoke and walked off. I looked back at Evie who was in bed, Madame pomfrey looked at me and sighs. "She is very lucky to have a friend like you" she said and walked away.

Damn it, Evie. You really did it this time.

Heyyyy guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, once again, I apologise for the dark topics :( but I promise all will be fine and well soon enough!!

Please keep voting and commenting.

-Charlotte B.

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