Chapter Twenty Seven

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8:17 AM

Today is the last day of our academic year of Hogwarts, the purpose of today is to get our grades, say our final goodbyes. It's breakfast, Theo said he had to talk with his friends, I could tell by his tone it was about his dark mark and stuff to do with.. well, you-know-who. So I decided to sit with Hermione and her friends on the Gryffindor table. "Evie! Come sit!" Hermione called out, I quickly found her and sat next to her. Ron was stuffing his face, as per usual, Harry was busy trying to talk to Ron, George and Fred were joking around with each other and Ginny was talking with Dean, Neville and Seamus. "So Evie where are you staying during the summer holidays?" Hermione smiles at me, I laughed softly before answering. "I'm going to try and go home, my mum still doesn't like me, but it's my mum, I'm sure she'll come around." I smiled softly at Hermione.

"Well if you need somewhere to stay Ron's mum always allows for us to stay over" Harry chimes in, Hermione nods "it's so fun over there you'll love it Evie!" I looked at the two and smile softly. "You'd do that for me?" I smiled at them, Ron looked at me and nods. "Yeah, Hermione talks about you all the time, you made the Slytherins be nice to her, heck she's even dating one. That's all on you." Ron went back to stuffing his face with food, Hermione nudged him in the side, then they started to bicker. Harry sat closer to me. "If you ever need to be rescued during the summer holidays, whether it's from your mother,  or boredom, just send me an owl and we will come get you right away." I looked at Harry and smiled softly "thank you, I'll keep that in mind" and with that I started to eat my breakfast.

After breakfast Hermione took me by the arm and we went to go find out our grades for the year. "I know for sure I've passed with flying colours! What about you Evie?" Hermione sings happily, I sigh. "Mione, I don't know if you've noticed but the past few months.."
"I know, but surely you took the tests, how do you think you did in the tests?" She interrupted me, smiling, I look away "I'll be surprised if I pass even one class"
Hermione just rolls her eyes, "think positively, even if you know you did rubbish, thinking positively may change the outcome" I laughed at Hermione's answer. "Sure."

We got our results, Hermione was squealing, jumping up and down, she ran up to Pansy and hugged her. It was adorable seeing how happy Hermione was, Pansy looked really happy too. By the looks of things Pansy got good grades too, I looked around for Theo, but he wasn't there. I frowned, but then I saw Harry, he walked up to me with a paper in his hand. "I passed, not surprised, but I passed" he chuckled. "Show off" I laughed at him. "And you?" Harry looked at me, I looked at the paper in my hand. "I haven't looked yet"
"You scared?" He asked
"Kinda" I replied quietly.
"Why?" He looked at me, smiling.
"I don't want to give anyone another reason to be disappointed in me" I held the paper tightly in my hand.
"You won't disappoint me" he nudged me slightly.
"Sure" I smiled then looked at the paper in my hand.
"Open it" he spoke softly
I nodded and turned it around, looking at my grades. I paused, I wasn't so sure what to do. I just stared blankly at the results.

"Well?" Harry said as he looked at me, smiling, he was hopeful. I looked up smiling back at him. "By some miracle I passed, barely, but I passed"  Harry pulled me in for a hug, I was shocked, but I was so happy I hugged him back. "Hermione gave you that positive thinking speech, didn't she?" Harry chuckled, I nod, "yeah, she did"

"Mia," I turned to see Theo, I hugged him. "I passed!" I looked up at him smiling, "I'm proud of you Bella," I kissed his cheek softly before speaking. "What about you?" He chuckled at my question, "of course I did, it's me we're talking about" Theo then looked up at Harry. Harry nodded then smiled back at me, "talk later" he said then left.

"Why did he hug you Bella?" Theo said as he placed his hand on my cheek, "because I didn't think I was going to pass" Theo just smiled at me. "What happened this morning? With your friends, I looked over a couple of times and you all seemed stressed"Theo just looked away, "it's nothing. Where are you staying over the summer holiday?" I sigh as he tired to change the subject, but I did not argue. "Mums, if I can't go there then Hermione, Harry and Ron have invited me over to Ron's place, apparently Mrs Weasley always have people over, I was going to ask if I could see you, but I don't know what your schedule would be like, since.. well.. you know." I chuckled awkwardly at the end, Theo smiles softly, rubbing his thumb gently across my cheek. "Mia, if I could have you with me all summer I promise I would. But if I can maybe we can meet up to see each other." He kisses me softly. "I have to go pack, but I'll be on the train tomorrow with you, and have breakfast with you, and maybe sleep with you tonight" Theo spoke softly, kissing my forehead before leaving me.

With that I decided I should pack as well, I went up to my dorm and started packing, while packing I couldn't help but feel a bit upset, I went through a lot here and mostly this year I wasn't happy, that's true, but I was able to see him everyday, even when I didn't want to. I was able to see my friends, attend classes, Hogwarts is so beautiful, now I must return home, to London, with my mother, who hates me. I looked through some of the drawings and sketches I made this year, they all started off so happy, and pretty, but you can tell how I was feeling during most of these, they were so dark and painful to look at. Some of my best work for sure but, it was so dark and painful. I decided to just shrug it off and pack it away with everything else, the only thing I left out was my toothbrush, toothpaste and my outfit for tomorrow. By the time I was finished packing it was around five o'clock. I decided I should have a shower before going to dinner.

By the time I was done with my shower it was five fifteen, I got dressed and made my way to dinner. I looked around and saw Theo talking with Tom and Mattheo, it seemed important so I didn't want to bother them. I walked to the Gryffindor table and sat with Hermione. "Mione guess what!" I smiled at her, she looked back at me smiling, "what is it?"
"I passed!" Hermione hugged me and I hugged her back. "This is truly wonderful news! I'm so happy for you!" Hermione hugged me again then told all of her friends that I passed, everyone congratulated me. We all ate dinner and laughed, the thought of staying over the Weasley's this summer crossed my mind a lot that night. It was such a bittersweet moment, in that moment I realised from now on there were only two sides left. The dark side where my boyfriend stood, and the good side, where my friends laid. I was torn between the two, if it came down to it, where would I go? What would I choose?

After dinner I found myself walking down the halls, taking the long way back to my dorm. After all, I was a Gryffindor, I'd have no choice to be on the good side, right? But what about Theo? And Enzo? And Draco, and Mattheo, and Tom, and Pansy? What do I do? What will happen to Pansy and Hermione? Surely Pansy would break up with Hermione, there's no way she could be a death eater and date Hermione granger, a muggle. Crap. Everything's going to go to shit.

Once I was out of my daze I realised I was at my door, I opened it to find Theo sat on my bed, his bags were here too. "Teddy.." I spoke softly, looking at him, he looked back at me and smiled. "Mia" he stood up and hugged me tightly. "You took a while, is everything okay?" I looked up at him, I wanted to lie, but after everything that's gone on lately maybe it was best if I was honest. "What happens now..?" I looked up at him, he seemed confused. "You're on the bad side and my friends are on the good side.. even if I did choose you I'm a Gryffindor, am I even allowed to be on your side? I'm not a pureblood either, I'm a half blood, so even if I was to be on your side I couldn't fully.. what happens if I have to choose..? What if I can't be on your side..? I mean my best friend is a muggle.." I looked up at Theo tears in my eyes, Theo just frowned and kissed me softly. "No matter what happens I will always love you.. and you will always love me. If you have to choose the good side then you have to, if I could I'd be on the good side too. But Mia, don't let this come between us, no matter what side we're on we'll always love each other, we'll always be there for each other, no matter how hard it gets. Okay?" Theo hugged me tightly.

The rest of the night Theo and I laid in my bed, talking all night, we kissed and cuddled and made love about three times. Theo assured me that he would try to write to me every day, even if he couldn't he would try. He then got out a small box from his bag and gave it to me. I opened it and found a beautiful pendant, with an emerald attached to it. "You may be a Gryffindor, but you'll always have Slytherin in your heart, I love you Cara Mia.. keep this close with you all summer, remember me.. okay?" He smiles softly at me, in this moment my heart just melted, fell deeper in love with him. I kissed Theo softly on the lips, and soon enough we fell asleep in each others arms.


Another chapter doneee, this one is definitely happy and all lovey and cute! There is a couple sad moments but they're still happy moments!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to vote and comment!

Much love!

-Charlotte B.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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