Chapter Twenty

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7:30 AM

I woke up this morning wrapped in Theo's arms. I was so happy to wake up by his side. I yawn and sit up rubbing my eyes, "morning sleepy head." A husky low voice says, I look to where the voice came from, it was Theo, his voice in the morning was so sexy. I must have been blushing since Theo chuckled at me. He sat up and placed his hand on my cheek, rubbing it slightly with the pad of his thumb. "I have to get back to my dorm and get my clothes I'll meet you in the great hall for breakfast, okay pretty girl?" Theo says softly as he smiles at me, I nod, "alright my love" Theo kisses me softly before getting up and leaving to go to his dorm. I was a smiley mess. I get up and got ready for the day. I got dressed, tied up my hair into a messy ponytail and grabbed my bag. Then I made my way to the great hall.

I sat with all my friends, I sat next to Pansy who was by herself today, Hermione has spent the past few days with Ron and Harry. Draco sat across from us with Mattheo and both boys stared at me. I was really confused at why they were staring at me. Theo walks into the great hall and sits next to Draco. Draco nudges Theo and snickers. Theo then looks at me and chuckles, he scratches his neck while looking at me, as if he was trying to tell me something.. then it hit me, last night he was kissing on my neck, fuck. He left hickeys. I covered my neck and was flustered. Pansy chuckles, "I can teach you how to cover it Evie" Pansy says in a teasing tone. I looked to the side all flustered. Everyone just snickered at me.

Then Enzo walked up to the table with a girl, not just any girl, a Hufflepuff girl. This must be that girl Theo was talking about. Enzo smiles as he sits with us and the girl sitting next to him. "Hey guys, this is Lucy, she's my Hufflepuff friend, I hope it's okay she sits with us!" Enzo says. Lucy was quiet, she smiles and waves. I was a bit surprised to see this girl, I must admit I did feel a bit jealous with how quick he had moved on, but I was not one to say anything. I think I felt most insecure if anything, this was a very, very pretty girl.

"Sure come sit," I spoke as I smiled at the girl, Enzo smiled and sat by Tom. The two sit down and start to eat. As breakfast continues Lucy whispered in Enzo's ear, a lot, both of them laughing and giggling. It shouldn't bother me, I was the one that cheated on Enzo with Theo, because I love Theo. So why do I feel like this?

I shook my head and looked up at Theo smiling at him, he was eating his food and speaking with Mattheo and Draco, occasionally looking at me and smiling.

Pansy and I got to talking, Pansy was stressing out because of some tests and how Hermione wasn't helping her study, I laughed and enjoyed her ranting. We haven't spoken much since she's been with Hermione. However, when I was talking with Pansy I caught Lucy, the Hufflepuff girl looking at me a couple of times. Was she judging me? Does she know what I did to Enzo? Does she know that we used to date? I decided to shrug it off, and stop overthinking, maybe she was just curious on what I was talking about with Pansy? Maybe she wasn't even looking at me.

I looked at the time and noticed it was time for class, I nudged Pansy to stop her from rambling she looked up at me, she was so lost in what she was saying she forgot we had school today. "Time for potions, we have our exam today. You ready?" *I teased her, she just rolls her eyes at me. We stood up and made our way to class, our arms were linked together as we spoke about the test and what we hoped was on the test and not on the test. Once we arrived to the classroom we sat down at our seats, our tests were given to us. I looked down at the paper in front of me and I started to panic, I had no idea what any of this was, how is that possible? Sure I'm not the smartest student here but this was like 7th year type of stuff.  I looked around but everyone acted like this was normal. How is this normal?! "Eyes to your own paper" Professor Snape said in his usual monotone voice. I looked down at my paper and tried to answer the questions, but it was no use, I had no idea what any of it was.

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