Chapter Sixteen

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07:30 AM

I've been up for hours, if I'm honest I didn't sleep. I was filled with so much guilt, and pain. I was so sad Enzo and I broke up, I'm more disappointed in myself. I'm not the type of person to cheat, but I did. Enzo was so upset. He blocked me on all social media, I feel so guilty that I enjoyed the kiss with Theo, the kiss was electrifying, but that doesn't excuse what I did.

I was a mess, I had awful bags under my eyes and I didn't bother to do my hair so it was in a messy ponytail. My uniform was messed up because I didn't change at all from last night. I brushed my teeth and sprayed some perfume but that was it.

I made my way to the great hall and all I could think about was everyone hating me. So instead I just walked to the Gryffindor table. I sat down and Ginny looked at me confused. "Dude, you look awful." Ginny said as she stared at me. "No shit Sherlock." I spoke in an annoyed tone. Ginny held her hands up "alright alright sorry, what happened? Why aren't you sitting with your boyfriend and that?" I felt like I was going to cry. Fuck, I really messed up. All I wanted was Enzo, but maybe I wanted Theo instead. Fuck. No. I don't want anyone. I'm a mess right now, I can't do this and I cannot be selfish. "Broke up." I spoke coldly and looked down at my empty plate in front of me. I didn't feel like eating. Ginny spoke softly, "Evie I'm sorry, I know I've been an ass lately but I really am sorry. And I'm sorry you guys broke up, you seemed happy." I rolled my eyes and stood up and walked off. The whole of the great hall stared at me as I walked off. I know Ginny means well, but I just didn't feel like talking with her. I walked to class and sat down. I was really early but Professor Burbage is always in class, as she doesn't eat breakfast or she just eats really early.

"Evie Wood, pleasure to see you so early-" but before she finished her sentence she stopped and looked at me, "my dear are you alright?" She continues. I just nod and take out my book for the lesson. "You look like you haven't slept at all." I looked down, "me and my boyfriend broke up, but it was my fault, it's just the guilt eating me up inside, that's all.." I spoke, on the verge of tears. The professor sat down at the table in front of mine but faced me. "Why was it your fault?" She spoke so softly, like she actually cared. "I kissed his best friend, well we both kissed each other, I liked the best friend first but then he was rude to me so then I realised I liked Enzo, but things haven't been good. I really did like Enzo.." I looked up at her, my eyes begging for her to believe me. "Enzo Berkshire, ah yes I remember, you two were fairly close, best friends before you started dating no?" The professor smiled at me, I nodded. "Well then I think you do love him, and he loves you, but maybe your love for him was more as a best friend type of way, and for the other boy, maybe he was the one you truly love. Well love is too soon to be said, but you know what I mean." The professor placed her hand on my arm and smiled softly, then spoke, "I've got a fun lesson planned, a project too. This week we're studying muggle music. I thought it would be fun for us to perform muggle songs either ad a group or in solos." The professor spoke, I smiled, that did sound fun. "That sounds fun, I want to do a solo if that is okay." She nodded and smiled, then stood up as students started walking in.

Hermione sat next to me, she looked worried. "Enzo told us what happened, he said you guys broke up, why?" I looked down and sighed "I kissed Theo.." Hermione gasped and she was at a loss for words, "Evie, I don't get it, why?" I shook my head and looked down. "I don't know.. heat of the moment I guess.." I rested my arms on the desk then laid my head on my arms. I was so tired.

The lesson carried on for a while and we were told about our project, most students moaned but I was quite fond of it, I love to sing, my mother and I used to sing all the time together. Hermione found it fun, she loved muggle music, well she was a muggle so it made sense. "What song are you going to do Mione?" I looked at her and she smiled, "I'm not to sure, there's too many to choose from!" Hermione said happily. I giggled, "I've got a few ideas but I guess I'll wait until the end of the week to show you all." Hermione smiled, "I haven't heard you sing before Evie, you any good?" She teased me, I shrugged my shoulders "I suppose we will find out at the end of the week." Hermione whined and playfully punched me a couple of times, "no fair!" She chuckled, I did too. Soon enough the lesson had ended and Hermione and I made our way to the library to study. I was falling behind in class and she agreed to tutor me, along side with my tutor sessions with Tom.

We arrived at the library and sat down in the far corner, I saw Tom and so we sat with him. Tom looked at me a little worried. "Evie." I smiled, "I'm fine." I sat down and took out my books, "why did you do that to Enzo?" Tom spoke, I frowned. "I wish I knew, I was yelling at Theo and then next thing I know we're kissing, I felt incredibly guilty right after and told Enzo as soon as I saw him." I looked at Tom hoping he wouldn't be too mad. He sighed, "I'm disappointed Ev, this isn't you. I know you had some issues but that wasn't very fair of you." Tom lectured me, I sat there and listened. It's not like I wasn't sorry for what I did, I was. Tom smiled softly at me, but immediately stopped when Hermione looked our way. Hermione sat down and started helping me, at times Tom would get annoyed with Hermione and explain the same thing she did in the same way but with different words. It was quite amusing to watch.

Later on it was time for dinner, Hermione said I should sit at the Slytherin table with everyone, Tom also insisted. I agreed. We walked to the great hall and and sat at the Slytherin table. I sat next to Tom and had Mattheo on the other side of me. "Single girl now Evie, why don't we, you know." Mattheo winked at me, I rolled my eyes and laughed. "No Mattheo, I don't know, what is it you want to do?" I played dumb. Mattheo pouted "a simple no would've done just fine Evie" His pout soon turned into a laugh. I looked around to see Enzo and Theo weren't at the table. I frowned. I looked at my food but I wasn't hungry. I haven't eaten all day but I just couldn't eat. And the only two people that could make me eat weren't here anymore. Dinner soon came to an end and we all went to the Slytherin common room. There we saw a drunken Enzo screaming at Theo.

"She was mine! You knew I loved her! Why would you kiss her?!" Enzo started to push Theo, Theo just stood there taking it. "You get everything you want! For once Theo, for once I wanted something! And you had to take her away from me!!" Enzo then punched Theo in the nose, making it bleed. "You knew I loved her! Why would you be so selfish?!" Enzo smashed his whisky bottle over Theo's head, then continued to punch him. Theo just stood there. It was awful, there was blood all over Enzo's hands and Theo's face. Enzo was crying and drunk. He kept yelling at Theo. After Enzo was done he had gotten up and wiped his nose and started to walk off, but Theo stood up. "I loved her first.. but I didn't complain when you took her away from me, in fact I forced myself away from her just so you could be happy. And as a thank you I get this." Theo spoke calmly, too calmly if you ask me. I just watched everything with everyone else, no one knew what to do. Enzo stood there silently, after a moment or two he spoke. "Congratulations, you got what you wanted." He walked off to his dorm. Theo looked at us and frowned. "Oh Theo" Pansy said as she walked up to him and looked at the blood. "Is anyone good with wounds?" She looked back at us. I raised my hand, "I am, but I doubt it would be a good idea.." I spoke softly. Theo smiled at me, "I want you to.." he said in his gentle voice. I nodded. "My stuff is in my dorm." I spoke then walked off to go to my dorm.

I reached my dorm and looked through my draws to look for my medical kit. "Evie, I'm sorry I dragged you into this." Theo spoke, I looked behind me and towards him and sighed. "It's my mess just as much as it is yours." I guided him to my bed. We both sat down and I started to clean up his wounds. "Why did you just stand there and let it happen?" I said quietly. He sighed softly, "because he had every right to do so, I had no right to fight back or even defend myself." He looked at me, in my eyes. I felt butterflies in my belly, but it was wrong. It was so wrong. I stayed silent and cleaned his wounds. "Done." I said coldly. He looked a bit shocked from my tone of voice. "You can leave now." He stood up and looked at me, "did I do something?" He said confused, "Yes. You kissed me. Now leave." He frowned and walked off.

If I'm honest that's how it'll be for a while, I don't know what happened, but a switch inside of me just flipped. I messed up so I can't be happy. Not while Enzo is like this.


𝖧𝖾𝗒 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌𝗌𝗌𝗌 𝗂𝗆 𝗀𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗋𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗎𝗉𝗅𝗈𝖺𝖽 𝖺 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗇. 𝖨 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝗂𝖻𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝗌𝗈 𝖿𝖺𝗋!

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