Chapter Twenty Five

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I woke up in the hospital wing, I don't remember much of last night, in fact, all I can remember is Theo and his harsh words. I don't love you anymore. I looked around the room and sighed, then I saw Tom walk in. Tom? What was he doing here.

"Long time no see" he sat down smiling at me, with a book in his hand. "I read this while you were away getting better, I must say, it was good. I think you'll enjoy it." He smiled at me. Tom Riddle? Smiling? "Tom.." I spoke quietly and looked up at him. "Why am I here..?" I asked softly. He frowned. "You were high, drunk I don't know, both maybe, then you took pills of these kids. You overdosed. But I saved you, I brought you to Madame Pomfrey, with convincing you're not in trouble, if anything everyone is worried about you. I- I am worried about you Evie." Tom looked down at me, I've never seen Tom like this before. I sighed and looked up at him. "I'm sorry Tom, something.. something happened last night.." my voice broke as I spoke. Tom pulled me in for a hug and held me close. "I know, I know. I asked Theodore what was wrong, he told me what he said. For what it's worth, I don't think he meant it." Tom spoke softly as he rubbed my back. I looked up at him confused. "What do you mean..?" I pulled away from the hug.

Tom sat there explaining that Theo was going through some stuff that he wasn't ready to share, he said how Theo did love me, he was afraid I wasn't going to love him after he told me his secret. "But I don't care about his secret Tom, I mean look at me. I'm a mess. Who am I to judge?" I looked up at Tom, desperate for an answer. "I don't know Evie, but it'll work itself out, just give him time." He said softly.

The last few days of school I spent with Tom, we read together and laughed, and I got to know Tom even more. He was a good friend. On the last day he asked me to have lunch with him, by the black lake. I agreed and when it was lunch I made my way to the black lake. I sat down next to Tom and smiled. "This is cute, very unlike a certain Tom Riddle I know" I giggled softly. Tom just chuckled and nodded. "I know, but it's very you." He said. We sat together and looked at the water, as we spoke. He seemed nervous, this was unlike Tom. "Tom? Are you okay?" I asked, slightly worried. He nods. "Yes, I just.. you love Theodore right?" He looked at me, I nodded. "Yes, I love Theo" he sighed at my response. "There's two things.. One. Theodore was forced by my father and his family to become a death eater. He's now Seventeen so he's of age, during this time you were away, getting better. He said he didn't love you anymore because he wanted to shield you from the ugliness that is now his new life." Tom said as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

Theo? A death eater? Forced? Why would I not love him anymore for this..? I don't understand.. I look up at Tom then sigh. "And two?" I asked looking at him, he looked away. "And two.." he spoke softly then took a deep breath before grabbing my face and pulling me in toward him, his lips touching mine. What? Why was he kissing me? I don't understand, but.. it was so good.. his lips, soft and gentle, his hands held me firmly but careful at the same time, as if I were fragile and were to break at any moment. He pulled away from the kiss, and looked away. "I think I have.. feelings for you." His expression, he seemed.. ashamed. "Tom.." I frowned at my friend who sat in front of me. "I know, I know, you love Theodore, you see me as a friend. I just, I don't want a relationship, I just wanted that one kiss." He looked at me, I smiled softly and hugged him. "I treasure you.." he hugged me back after my words.

We made our way back to the school, I looked up at him and smiled. "You okay?" Tom looked back at me and smiled, "yeah, I'm okay. Now go get Theodore." He chuckled. I nodded and went to go looking for Theo.

I saw him walking to class, I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. "Teddy" I looked up at him frowning. Theo looked down at me sighing, "Evie I gotta go, I have class" he tries to pull away but I grab his arm again. "I know, and I don't care Theo, I don't care if you're a death eater. I don't care if you're a muderer. I love you, every part of you. This doesn't define you Teddy. We are stronger than this, I am better and I am strong enough to be here by your side." I look up at Theo, smiling. He looked down at me, pain and sadness in his eyes. "Cara Mia.." he kissed me softly, his lips as beautiful as I remember, his soft touch made my heart melt, and my cheeks fluster. I kiss him back softly and smile. "Theo.. I wanna do this right.." he looked down at me and nods. "Me too, Bella, me too.." he said emphasising his Italian accent on the word Bella. "You'll take me back?" I looked at him excitedly, he nodded. "Yes, I will."  He hugged me tightly. "Right I gotta get to class, you should go too, okay?" He said, I nodded as I hugged back and made my way to class.

Later that night I was in my dorm, packing the last of my stuff. I looked up to see my door opening, I smiled to see Theo. "Teddy!"

Ah! That's it for this chapter ;)

Don't worry, smut chapter incoming 🤭

-Charlotte B.

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