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A flight crossing from a far away region to the Kalos carrying a young man with the dream to become the very best named Ash Ketchum,with his trusted partner Pikachu, Looking outside the window excited for his next adventure where mysteries and adventures awaits them.He turns towards his Pokemon and exclaims in an excited tone.

"Hey buddy are you ready for our next adventure?" He asked about petting pikachu's head.

"Pika Pikachu" Pikachu exclaimed jumping to his shoulder and throwing his paw in the air.

Ash may not understand all Pokemon but he sure can understand what his starter says.

"Huh you think it'll be our greatest adventure till now?" Ash asked his starter, amused by Pikachu's statement.

Pikachu nodded excitedly and jumped to his lap for some rest.

"Yeah even I have the feeling of it. Let's see what Kalos has in store for us." Ash replied, his gaze meeting the blue sky, while stroking pikachu's head.

"You should take some rest Ash it'll take 5 more hours to reach kalos you need to be ready for ur adventure." A voice seated beside him informed Ash.

"Yeah I guess you're right and thanks for suggesting Kalos to me Alexa.I can't wait for it." Ash exclaimed turning towards the voice.

"Don't mention it Ash. After all you helped me in the Decolore islands. I'm grateful for that." Alexa said in a grateful tone and closed her eyes.

Ash listening about the unova became a little upset as he didn't make it farhe thinks that it was the second worst performance in the Pokemon league,but he removed the thoughts away and shut his eyes for some rest.

'It'll be different in Kalos me and my Pokèmon this time will work hard' He thought, closing his eyes and drifted to sleep.

After 5 hours.

Attention passengers the flight has landed at Kalos. Hope you'll enjoy you stay.

Listening to the announcement Ash, Pikachu and Alexa exit the plane.Ash being the last stands on the aeroplane stairs and shouts with excitement.

"KALOS ASH KETCHUM FROM PALLET TOWN IS HERE" Ash shouts at the top of the lungs and descends from the stairs only to be slipped and gaining weird looks from the crowd.

"You know you should be careful while performing these stunts." Alexa said while sighing, lending her hand.

"Sorry" Ash laughed nervously, reaching his hands to get up.

"I'll be in the phonebooth to call my sister to inform her about the gym battle. I'll meet you there." Alexa shouted while running to the phone booth.

"C'mon Pikachu let's see what the Kalos looks like" Ash grinned excitedly while running with pikachu perched in his shoulder.

After awhile they found themselves lost in the airport itself (😓) and we're searching for Alexa.

"Aww man the airport is so big don't tell me we are lost" Ash whined while pikachu sweatdropped on his trainer's clumsiness.

"Hey Ash over here" Alexa shouted from a distance.

"Huh.?"Ash turned around and found Alexa waving her hands.

Ash went towards her and laughed nervously"Man the kalos airport sure is big I would've gotten lost if you didn't call me".

"It's ok Ash it's your first time so you were probably just confused"Alexa mentioned while smiling.

"So if your sister is in the gym,we should go there now "Ash grinned excitedly while ready for a battle.

"Oh that I'm sorry Ash my sister went for a trip to the next town.So the gym is closed for two days"Alexa apolozised to Ash.

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