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It had been another three days of walking and camping, before they finally reached Cyllage city, in these few days the group has developed a strong bond of friendship amongst each other, they used to train, play, laugh, eat and enjoy many things while travelling. Now it's 5.00 in the evening and the sun was almost setting down when the group exited the cave that connects camphrier town to the cyllage city, they stood at the top of the mountain looking at the city.

"Look there's cyllage city. "Bonnie exclaimed with excitement.

"Yeah that's where the second gym badge is waiting for me."Ash chimed in mimicking Bonnie's enthusiasm.

"Hold on a minute Ash, we just got here, can't we have your gym battle tomorrow.?"Clemont interjected panting in exhaustion.

"But I want to battle now.!"Ash complained like a child.

"You can battle tomorrow Ash, it's already late and I think the gym would be closed by now"Serena reasoned which seems logical.

"Guess you're right I was just really looking forward for my battle."Ash said nodding in understanding.

"Then it's decided tomorrow's the day where I'll win my second gym badge."Ash declared looking at the setting sun.

Not after a second of his declaration, his stomach grumbled, which caused the group to sweatdrop at his stomach timing.

"Were you going to challenge the gym with this rumbling stomach.?"Bonnie teased, smirking at the raven-haired trainer.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just hungry, we walked all afternoon through that cave."Ash chuckled nervously.

"Ok, let's go to the Pokemon center and have some rest tonight,since we are all tired"Serena suggested and the group nodded in agreement and made their way to the city.

After entering the Pokemon center, they went to the counter and handed their Pokemon for checkup, and took two room keys to spend today's night in the comfy beds.

They were now in the dinner table eating their food while discussing on tomorrow's plan.

"So Ash are you ready for tomorrow's gym battle I heard that the gym leader Grant is known as the stone pillar of cyllage."Clemont informed.

"Sounds like he'll be a tough opponent to beat."Serena commented on Clemont's info.

"I say, the stronger the opponent the more we get pumped up for the battle."Ash exclaimed pumping his fist in determination.

"That's certainly a positive reply, I'm heading to the bed I'll meet you two in the morning, goodnight."Clemont said leaving to his room after his completion of the food.

"Mee too goodnight Ash, Serena."Bonnie yawned and followed her brother.

"What are you gonna do now Ash.?"Serena asked looking at Ash.

"'s only 7.00 pm and I'm not that tired I guess I could do some training with my pokemons."Ash replied.

"I guess I could keep you company as I too am not tired."Serena replied smiling masking her tiredness.

"You don't have to pretend Serena ,I know you're pretty tired, you can go to sleep I'll be fine alone."Ash said looking at her smiling.

"Huh how did you know.?"Serena was surprised that Ash caught her lie.

"I don't know, it was just a gut feeling, I'll be fine and my pokemons are there with me ,so you can go to bed early." Ash replied while standing up.

"Ok fine you win, don't overdo yourself with your training, you have a battle tomorrow.!"Serena instructed Ash sternly.

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