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It's 9.00 in the morning where Ash, Pikachu and Serena were sleeping soundly in the room, After a while Pikachu groggily opened his eyes.

"Chaaa~"Pikachu yawned completing his sleep.

He looked around and saw that Ash and Serena were still sleeping and then saw the time on the clock and decided to wake his trainer up.

"Pika pika.pi"Pikachu whispered while shaking Ash.

"Hmm.. 5 more minutes please "Ash mumbled in sleep and turned away.

"Pikaa"Pikachu shook him again only to listen to the snoring of Ash.

Seeing no other option, he decided to give his wake up dose, so he sparked his cheek and hit Ash with a thunderbolt.

"AHHHH...."Ash screamed falling from bed covered in soot.

"Why Pikachu.?!"Ash complained glaring at his Pokemon.

"Pika Chu"Pikachu replied shrugging his shoulder ignoring the glare.

Hearing the scream Serena woke up while rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning As- ..Pfft.What happened to you Ash,!"Serena greeted Ash but stopped when she saw Ash covered in soot and tried holding her laughter.

Hearing Ash's scream the siblings barged into the room and saw the same scene while trying not to laugh.

"Hahahha Ash You are roasted by pikachu again.Hahah"Bonnie said bursting out laughing.

Hearing those words of bonnie all three with Pikachu started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Hey cut it off you guys it's not funny.!!"Ash shouted on embarassed by the situation.

"Yeah it's super funny"Bonnie said wiping her tears.

After their laughing settled Clemont sat on Ash's bed while Bonnie settles in Serena's for today's work.

"So Ash today we are hitting the road for cyllage city right.?"Clemont asked assuming today's plan.

"Actually Clemont we are taking a day off for Serena."Ash replied remembering yesterday's conversation.

"Huh why is something wrong Serena"Bonnie asked looking at Serena.

"No it's actually Ash told me that he's taking the day off because he wants to find a dream for me even though I said he didn't need to"Serena replied looking at Ash.

"Yeah she's been depressed about that for a while ,so I thought I could help her with that is that okay with you two.?"Ash looked at the siblings while explaining today's plan.

"Yeah it's perfectly fine with us, we can help Serena with that too"Clemont said smiling at Serena.

"So today we are doing a mission of finding a dream for Serena.!"Bonnie declared.

"Thank you guys you all are the best"Serena said grateful for such friends.

"Why don't we initiate our mission after having a breakfast"Clemont suggested, and on the cue Ash's stomach growled.

''Hehe yeah sure I'm hungry" Ash laughed nervously and all chuckled at his antics.

"I'll order breakfast for you two while you guys go and fresh up"Clemont said leaving the two.

Ash and Serena took turns for the bathroom and walked out of the room to the cafeteria for breakfast, after their breakfast they went to Ash's and Serena's pokecentre room for a discussion on the dream topic.

"So how do we start this.?"Ash asked trying to find a start of the topic

"I think we should ask Serena on what are her interests and then pick a suitable career for her."Clemont suggests.

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