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Our heroes depart from the lab to start their adventure, they are currently entering the Santalune forest for their destination.After a while they were in the middle of the forest for some rest they were having some random conversation.

"So Serena what have you been doing these years.?"Ash asked trying to make a conversation.

"Nothing much, Ash just practicing to ride rhyhorn even though I don't like it"Serena replied while searching for something in her bag.

"Here Ash I made them for you I hope you missed this"Serena said handing him a box.

"What is there in it Serena.?"Ash asked his friend seeing the box.

"Why don't you see yourself.?"Serena replied smiling.

Ash opened the box and to his surprise he saw a box full of macrons. He smile towards Serena and put one in his mouth.

"Wow Serena these taste even great than I remember thank you "Ash exclaimed excitedly while eating like a hungry munchlax.

'Here Clemont and Bonnie I have an another box you can have them" Serena said handing other box to the siblings.

"Thanks Serena you're the best"Bonnie ate the macrons.

"Clemont these are really good you should try it"Bonnie said handing some to Clemont who took them and tasted it.

"These are really good Serena thanks" Clemont said eating them.

Pikachu and Froakie looked towards them sadly for not having any macrons,Serena noticed this and went near them.

"Hey you two no need to be upset I have baked some pokepuffs for you both, here!" Serena said giving two a yellow pokepuff and a blue pokepuff to pikachu and Froakie respectively.

Pikachu and Froakie sniffed them and ate a bite of it they loved it too much as they finished it in a few secs.

"I take it you like it."Serena said proud of her treats.

"Fro.., Pika" The both Pokemon nodded excitedly and jumped to either sides of her shoulder and nuzzling their cheeks.

"Aww thanks guys"Serena exclaimed happy for the mons.

Ash watching this smiled and was feels warm in his chest.

'Huh what's happening suddenly I'm feeling warm here, guess it's cause of these macrons'Ash thought confused by sudden reaction.

He shrugged it off and noticed that Serena hasn't eaten any macrons yet.

"Hey Serena why don't you have some macrons too"Ash said while extending the box to her.

"No Ash I'm fine you can ha-Mhhh"Serena was cut off by Ash who put a macron in her mouth.

"Here eat it I'll feel bad if I have these all for myself"Ash said grinning while extending the box again.

Serena blushed heavily by the gesture of Ash and nodded furiously and sat near him.

While this happening a bird Pokemon was watching the scene, it flew towards the gang and took a macron from bonnie hands and flew to a tree and begin to feast on it.

"Hey that's my macron" Bonnie yelled at the Pokemon.

"Fletch" the Pokemon chirped and went towards Ash for another macron. Seeing this Froakie used it's frubbles aiming the orange-black flying Pokemon.

The Pokemon dodged it barely and shifted its attention towards the source.

"Froa"Froakie stood infront of the gang ready for battle.

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