SUMMER CAMP(3)- A Treasure Hunt

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The gentle rays of the morning sun began to creep through the curtains of the cabins at the Pokémon summer camp. As the golden light filtered in, it painted a warm and inviting scene. It was the beginning of a brand new day, full of anticipation and excitement.

In one of the cabins, Serena stirred in her bed, her eyelids fluttering as she slowly roused from a peaceful slumber. She gazed across the cabin, and found her two roommates still sound asleep. Lying there for a moment, she reflected on the events of yesterday.

A smile graced Serena's face as she recalled the moments from the previous day, particularly her heartfelt conversation with Ash on the dock under the moonlit sky. His genuine words of friendship and compliments had filled her with newfound hope and happiness.

She quietly slipped out of the bed, careful not to wake Bonnie and Korrina. Serena grabbed her regular clothes and headed towards the bathroom to get ready for today's adventure.

After a refreshing shower, she made her way out from the bathroom in her regular clothes, fresh to start the new day. She glanced around the room finding Korrina and Bonnie still asleep, she sighed softly and decided to wake them up.

Walking over to Bonnie's bed, she lightly shook her shoulder. "Bonnie, wake up."

Bonnie groaned and slowly opened her eyes, blinking sleepily. "Morning already?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

Serena chuckled while sitting on Bonnie's bed. "Yeah, it's time. Wake up now."

Bonnie sat straight on the bed, stretching her arms widely. "Alright, I'm up!" She gave Serena a sleepy grin.

Meanwhile in the adjacent room, Ash was sleeping with a snore bubble popping out of his nose. Pikachu was shaking Ash, trying to wake him up, in a gentle manner which was proving to be futile.

"Pika, pikapi." Pikachu shook Ash, who merely turned over to the other side.

"Five more minutes..." Ash mumbled, changing his sleep position.

"Pika!!" An annoyed Pikachu sparked his cheeks, ready to give him the wake up dose, he deserves.

Back at the girls' room:

Having successfully roused Bonnie and Korrina, the three girls freshened up and gathered on one of the beds for some girl talk.

"Serena, are you okay now?" Korrina asked, concerned, that yesterday's event might still have effects on her.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" Serena, tilted her head in confusion.

"After yesterday's event you looked somewhat dull. So.." Korrina replied, exchanging a glance with Bonnie.

Serena appreciated Korrina's concern and smiled warmly at her friend. "Thank you for asking, Korrina, but I'm feeling better now. Ash and I had a nice talk last night, and it helped clear things up."

Bonnie chimed in, looking curious. "Talk about what?"

Serena hesitated for a moment, how much she should share. "Well, he told me about the battle with Macy and her confession. Ash being Ash mistook it and thought she meant it as friends."

Bonnie and Korrina exchanged knowing glances, having witnessed the events firsthand.

"He sure needs some Kalos air in his head." Bonnie muttered to herself.

"Anything else,?" Bonnie probed, sensing that Serena might be hiding some details.

Serena hesitated for a moment, wondering how much to share with her friends. She decided to reveal a bit more about her conversation with Ash, trusting Bonnie and Korrina with her feelings.

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