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We are now shifting our attention to a small town in the Kalos where a young lady having the sleep of her day ignoring her mother calls.

"Serena this is the last time I'm asking you to wake up or else I'm sending fletchling up to wake you up."warned Grace.

After a few seconds of silence her mother sighed and looked at the beak Pokemon" Fletchling dear would you wake Serena up I don't think she'll wake up nicely ".

Fletchling nodded excitedly and moved upwards the steps and enters Serena room through a small gap,then it saw the girl sleeping like no tomorrow she sat on the top of the head and pulled its beak upwards and pecked the girls head forcefully.Feeling the sudden pain Serena woke up instantly and fell down the bed and groaned in pain and frustration.She looked for the source and there was the source watching her and snickering.she got enraged and tried to grab the fletchling by jumping on it only to be dodged by the Pokemon and sit on her head.

Serena sighed and shouted annoyed "Fletchling can't you wake me up a little less painfully "

Seeing the bird tilting it's head in confusion she sighed "Oh well let's start the morning session......Boring stuff" she muttered the last part annoyingly.

She opened the window and stretched her arms viewing outside.

She was about to close the window and head downwards but then she heard a sound which made her wish she wouldn't have opened the window.

"Hey beautiful looking hot as ever"a pervert voice reached her ears.

Hearing the words made her stomach sick . She soon looked towards the source angrily

"What do you want now Calem get out before mom's Rhyhorn make you"she snapped seeing the guy who made her morning foul.

"Oh c'mon why don't you go on a date with me after all you know there is no one better than me"Calem gazed up the window seeing Serena with an weird smirk.(U all understand what is weird smirk means).

"I'll never go on a date even if you were the last boy alive on the planet now leave" shouted Serena angrily before closing the window forcefully.

"How can this day be any worse"She muttered frustated.

Having her foul mood she went to bathroom for the morning routines.After a while she went downwards to see her mom not in the kitchen.

'So this is the reason he dared to come to the street.If mom were to be here he wouldn't dare.' Serena thought and started eating her breakfast.

After eating the breakfast, she watched TV which was airing the previous sinnoh league highlights, she was about to change the channel but an announcement stopped her to do so.

Attention viewers this young man was the only talk in the previous year league,who took the whole league by storm making the whole crowd crazier, although he didn't make to the finals he was and still is the favourite of the fans, and his sceptile and infernape were on the talk for whole 3 months,it's none other than Ash Ketchum from pallet town.

After hearing the name Serena froze and paid the whole attention onto the screen while having a tint of pink in her cheeks.Her reaction was priceless.She felt happy and forgetting the earlier incident by hearing the announcement.She saw there Ash coming out of the dark and standing while glaring at the purple head guy,the guy just had no expression on the face, then the battle begun, whenever he lose a Pokemon Serena would feel bad and whenever Ash would win Serena would feel happy,at last it was a epic fight between infernape and electivire even though it was not live she couldn't help but feel anxious about the match. After a while infernape fell down,but Ash was unfazed instead he was smirking,which was weird Serena thought but when see saw the reason behind the smirk she was jumping up and down with joy, and as soon as she saw the blaze in motion she was in awe of the power and the way Ash was commanding the beast she couldn't help but admire at the teamwork of them,and at last they won and seeing Ash going to infernape to hug him made her 'aww'
seeing the scene,She knew she has a crush for him but seeing this the crush inside her is growed a little. After the battle the highlight showed someone named Tobias against Ash.She was sad seeing Ash lose continuously 4 Pokemon in a row but was happy that Ash was able to defeat two legendaries with his last two Pokemon,then the highlight showed another trainer but Serena shut the tv off and was on the nine clouds,thinking about Ash.She was so daydreaming about Ash,she didn't notice her mother coming home.

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