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It's early in the morning but it seems like our other hero is up early which is a bit unusual, let's see what's going on there.

Serena groggily opens her eyes as she was unable to sleep properly due to the excitement of meeting her childhood 'friend'.She opens her eyes and checks the time its early 5.00. She immediately sprangs up the bed and jumps up and down in excitement.

"Ahhh Iam going to meet Ash today I'm so excited"Serena squeals like a kid.

"But what if he doesn't remembers me, what,no,no Serena don't get these doubts in your head now,Serena groans having doubts in herself.

After some while of debating with herself she gets ready wearing her travel outfit(same as XY anime)and finishes with the hat on her head.

'I still have some time to spare... I know he loved eating my macrons during the camp I can make those for him again.' Serena thought.

She went to the kitchen and started making macrons after putting it in the oven she some pokepuffs for a fire type, electric type and a water type as she saw Ash with a Froakie and Pikachu.

After an hour her mom enters the kitchen only to get the shock of the day that her daughter is early than her and in the kitchen.

"I have to say, your hero sure has a great influence on you dear."Grace teased Serena while entering the kitchen.

"Mom stop embarrassing me"Serena screamed while blushing heavily.

"Iam telling the truth dear I have never seen u wake up this early even in your birthdays but after seeing Ash in tv you woke up this early and also in the kitchen.Are you sure he is just a friend."Grace teased while laughing at her daughter's reaction.

"Mom of course he is my best friend I just woke up early because I couldn't sleep,now please stop it"Serena screamed in frustration.

"Fine fine whatever u say"Grace laughed.

"Did you finished ur packing Serena"Grace asked.

"Yeah mom it's already done we just have to go to the lumious and get my starter Pokemon."Serena said happily while putting the macrons and the pokepuffs in the bag.

"Wow, you sure have changed but be careful dear,I heard that Calem also started his journey yesterday, if u see him anywhere just ignore him or use your Pokemon to defend yourself as I'll not be with you there"Grace warned Serena.

"Ok mom"Serena said frustrated by his name.

"Fine then we'll leave after eating breakfast" Grace informed.

After breakfast Grace drove Serena to lumious. Now let's see what's going on inside the sycamore lab.

"AHHHHH" Ash screamed waking the siblings in process.

"Pikahhaha"Pikachu snickered seeing Ash's state.

"Pikachu how many times did I told you not to wake me up like that"Ash shouted at his buddy annoyed.

"Pika" Pikachu said give his cute looks.

"What am I going to do with you"Ash sighed.

"What happened Ash we heard a screa-.. wait why are you covered in soot"Clemont said confused.

"Hahah look at yourself your name suits your face hahah"Bonnie laughed with Pikachu.

"BONNIE that's rude"Clemont scolded his sister.

"It's no problem Clemont let's go today is the first day of our adventure right buddy" Ash said excitedly pumping his fist.

"Pika"Pikachu said imitating Ash.

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