SUMMER CAMP(2)- Starry nights and Moonlit Confessions.

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As the announcement echoed through the air, the night sky burst into a dazzling display of fireworks, each explosion painting the darkness with vivid colors. The energetic roars of young trainers filled the atmosphere, their voices brimming with anticipation. Tomorrow, in this summer camp, they would embark on their very first adventure.The other teams were chatting among themselves; some were heading back to their cabins after the show for some much-needed rest.

Now, let's join our favourite group and discover what they're up to.

"I am so excited for this! Imagine all the fun and Pokèmons we will get to see here." Bonnie said excitedly, her eyes twinkling with all the excitement inside her in the moment.

"I can't wait to battle all these trainers, in the camp. It's going to be a blast." Ash shouted, a mixture of enthusiasm and determination in his voice.

"Of course, you're still the same battle-hungry Ash Ketchum who once defeated me." An unknown voice chimed in, approaching the group.

"Huh.?" Ash and the group turned to see that the Team Squirtle was heading towards them.

They recognised Shauna, but there were four unfamiliar faces:

•One of them, was a boy of the same age around Shauna, with a tall and heavy-set body with black hair with sides that resembles the leaves on Chespin's head. He looked rather overweight than fit for a trainer.

•Second was also a boy with a small and thin physique with orange rounded hair and grey eyes. A camera hung around his neck.

•The third had a tanned skin with dark green hair and blue eyes. He had a diary-like notebook in his hands.

•And Lastly was a girl, with cyan eyes and brown hair tied with two ponytails, accompanied by an Electivire by her side.

The Squirtle team stood infront of Team Froakie. Ash gazed at the girl with Electivire, sensing something familiar about her.

"Hello, Ash! Long time no see." The girl with Electivire exclaimed, cheerfully.

"Huh?" Serena glanced between Ash and the girl, puzzled by the warm greeting.

"Hi, have we met somewhere.?" Ash asked, racking his brain trying to remember where he might have encountered her before.

"Wait, you don't remember me?"The brown-haired girl frowned, hearing Ash's question.

"Umm.., you do look familiar but uhh..., it's, you know." Ash scratched his back, trying to explain his fuzzy memory of her.

The girl sighed with a playful smile and said, "We met during the silver conference in the Johto League, we even battled at the preliminaries. Does that ring a bell?"

Upon hearing the hints by the girl, Ash's eyes widened in realisation, he smiled and replied. "Now, I remember you!, you were the girl I faced in preliminary rounds, Uhh.. but I can't remember your name. Sorry."

Pikachu facepalmed at his trainer's poor memory, wondering how Ash could remember the honey blonde from his childhood but not the girl from two years ago.

Meanwhile, Serena felt a prickling sensation in her heart as she observed Ash interacting with the unfamiliar girl.

"My name's Macy Geez, Ash, you really need to work on your memory." The girl said, shaking her head at Ash's forgetfulness.

"Sorry about that; I didn't mean to forget you." Ash apologized with a nervous chuckle.

"No worries, Ash. It's been a while. A lot has happened since then." Macy replied, smiling at Ash's naive nature.

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