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It's a beautiful morning in the Kalos region, and our heroes are currently on their way to Geosenge Town for Ash's Gym battle. However, there's another reason too. While having breakfast, the group received a message on Ash's and Serena's Pokédex devices from Professor Sycamore. He asked them to join the summer camp that will be held on their way to Geosenge. Bonnie, being the energetic and enthusiastic kid, jumped up and down, making it clear to the group that she wants to join in. Soon, the excitement spread throughout the group. Clemont agreed, reasoning he could learn from the camp, and it was his and Bonnie's first time participating.

Ash and Serena looked at each other and smiled, realizing they were going to a summer camp together for the second time. The group decided to join the fun and accepted the invitation. However, there was a problem-they were supposed to have five members in the group, but they only had four. Without dwelling on it too much they set their course for Geosenge Town, and now here they are, walking along a pathway surrounded by trees and Pokémon having some conversations.

"It's gonna be so much fun at the camp; I can't wait to go there." Bonnie exclaimed still excited since the morning.

"Bonnie, calm down. The camp is going to start in two days; we still have time." Ash said chuckling at Bonnie's energetic bounce.

"You're the one to say, Remember you were more impatient than Bonnie" Serena playfully teased Ash, reminiscing about their childhood.

"I was.?" Ash asked, amused.

"Of course you were." Serena replied laughing remembering the antics of kid Ash in the camp.

"You two already attended a summer camp.?" Clemont asked, his voice held a surprised edge as the siblings were unaware of their history.

"Yeah we actually went to a Summer Camp when we were 6. It was so much fun." Ash replied, a smile forming on his face as he reminisced about the summer camp.

"Now that I think of it, you never actually told us how you two met." Bonnie said as curiosity replaced her excitement.

"I guess I could tell you, It was when-" Ash was explaining but was interrupted by a distinct voice.

"Stop right there." A female voice interrupted their conversation. The group turned back to see a girl roughly Clemont's age wearing a roller skater kit. She had grey eyes and long creamy blonde hair tied in a fluffy ponytail emerging from the back of her helmet, wearing a short red and white sleeveless dress and a black cycling shorts, skating her way towards the group with a Lucario by her side.

"Umm. who are you.?" Serena inquired puzzled by the newcomer.

"I am Korrina, the Gym leader of Shalour city. And you two are trainers, I assume?" Korrina introduced herself while looking at the group.

"KORRINA it's been so long." Bonnie suddenly shouted catching the skater attention who looked at the girl and smiled warmly at the young girl.

"Hi Bonnie how are you?" Korrina asked, kneeling down to Bonnie's height and ruffling her hair.

"Hey I told you to stop it, you never change." Bonnie huffed in a playful annoyance.

"Nope the same." Korrina grinned playfully poking Bonnie's nose.

"Hello Korrina good to see you here."
Clemont greeted making his presence known.

Korrina stood up and looked at Clemont and grinned mischievously "It's good to see you too Clemmy, how are you handling the loss in our last battle."

"She never changes." Clemont muttered looking down.

"Uh. Do you know each other.?" Ash asked interrupting the conversation.

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