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Last time Ash and the gang reached Santalune city and with the help of Alexa they found the gym, Ash challenged the gym leader Viola who accepted the challenge of him taking him lightly seeing his appearance. Now here we are with two trainers in their positions eager for the battle to begin, where Viola released the ice-bug Pokemon surskit while Ash sends his first Pokemon Pikachu,

"Are Both sides trainers ready.?!" the referee asked while holding both flags.

They both nodded with their Pokemon glaring at each other itching for a battle. The referee then lifted both the flags while shouting.


"Pikachu let's start off with a strong thunderbolt"Ash started taking the lead.

"Counter with signal beam"Viola shouted grinning.

The thunderbolt and signal beam collided cancelling each other.

"Pikachu quick attack"Ash commanded maintaining the momentum.

"Wrong choice surskit use stickyweb!"Viola shouted smirking at Ash.

"Oh no..! Pikachu change your direction"Ash shouted confidently.

"WHAT!"Viola said shocked by Ash's command.

Pikachu swiftly changed his direction moving in a zig-zag pattern hitting surskit while dodging the stickyweb.

"Surskit are you okay"Viola shouted concerned for her ice-bug Pokemon.

"But Clemont how could Pikachu change its direction so easily.?!"Bonnie asked confused.

"Pikachu seems to have many past experience of such attacks that's why it dodged it so swiftly and the control of the direction at such speed is nothing short of amazing"Clemont said examining the battle.

"Go on Ash"Serena cheered on the sidelines.

'Wow he seems like a pretty tough trainer I should watch out'Viola thought looking at Ash.

"Now surskit let's make the battlefield ours use icebeam on the whole field"Viola shouted putting her plan in action.

"Don't let her do that,Pikachu use electroball"Ash shouted trying to stop the process.

"Dodge the electroball while using icebeam all around you"Viola countered smirking.

Pikachu launched the electroball aiming at surskit who started using icebeam all around it while jumping backwards dodging the attack.

In a few seconds the whole battlefield was in thin ice making surskit able to skate faster and more freely.

"That's not gonna stop us ,Use thunderbolt"Ash exclaimed while flailing his hands forward.

"Pika... Chu" Pikachu obeyed firing thunderbolt at the skating Pokemon

"Dodge it surskit"Viola commanded calmly

Surskit dodged it swiftly by skating in the ice and started moving faster.

"Now let's see how you are gonna handle this, Use sticky web"Viola grinned confidently.

Ash panics a little and shouts "Dodge it Pikachu"

Pikachu tried to move but he slipped on the thin ice getting hit by the sticky web which glued his paws on the floor.

"Oh no Pikachu are you okay" Ash asked concerned for his partner.

Pikachu nodded but was stuck at one place he tried but was too hard for him.

'Oh no he's stuck Fletchling can handle the situation but I won't be able to substitute Pikachu with him stuck there' Ash thought panicking a little and started to think of a solution and then an idea struck his mind.

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