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A day and a half had passed since their unforgettable encounter with Mega-evolution. A phenomenon that left them awestruck and intrigued. As the sun hung low, casting long shadows over Geosenge Town's cobblestone streets, We see our group, now joined by Korrina, walking through the path of the town, Excitement buzzed in the group, for tomorrow's fun, all except one.

"Finally.. Geo..senge town. I'm exhausted!!" Clemont exclaimed resting his hands on his knees panting heavily.

"C'mon stop acting like a child, big brother, you need some serious exercises." Bonnie complained, disapproval written all over her face.

"I agree Clemmy." Korrina chimed in "You could use some physical activities, and I think the camp will be perfect for you."

"Come on guys! The Pokèmon Center is just a short walk away." Ash said interrupting their conversation.

"Ash's right we need to register for the camp from there." Serena informed, glancing over the group.

"Fine let's go." Clemont muttered, still catching his breath.

After a brief walk, the group entered the Pokemon center. Clemont slumped down immediately, while the others approached the counter for registration.

"Hello Nurse Joy." Serena greeted the pink haired nurse with a warm smile.

"Good evening, How can I help you.?" Nurse Joy asked in a polite tone, returning the smile.

"Nurse Joy, can you please register us for the summer camp?" Bonnie asked, her childish excitement evident in her tone.

"Of course. I just need your Pokedex and for you to fill out this form." Nurse Joy replied, handing a form to Serena.

Ash handed his Pokédex to nurse Joy, and Serena began to fill out the form, writing their names in it. However a small hiccup arose. What would be the name of their team.?

"Uhh.., Did anyone decide on a name of our team at the camp.?" Serena asked, gaining the group's attention.

"I am terrible at naming; I'll pass." Korrina said, chuckling nervously.

"How about, 'Team Pikachu'?" Bonnie suggested, glancing at Pikachu on Ash's shoulder.

"I'll suggest 'Team Froakie' since the camp is in Kalos, and Froakie is a Kalos starter Pokèmon." Serena added her opinion.

"But it could also be 'Team Fennekin' that doesn't sound bad." Ash reasoned, questioning Serena's choice of a water type, when she had a fire type with her.

"Yeah it could be, but you're the leader of this team, so it only makes sense that the name should be based on your starter." Serena explained her reasoning.

"WHAT? Wait, since when did I become the leader of the camp?" Ash shouted by the sudden declaration.

"You've been leading the group, from the start, So we've decided that you'll be the leader of this camp." Clemont said approaching the group.

"But, Are you guys fine with that.?" Ash questioned, still unsure of the post.

"Of course we're fine with that, we wouldn't want it the other way." Serena replied, with the group nodded in confirmation.

Ash was still unsure about it, but he's not going to protest about it, As he saw how much his friends believed in him. So he just smiled and nodded in approval.

"So Team Froakie it is." Ash declared in enthusiasm, to which the group smiled.

"Here you go Nurse Joy." Serena said handing the filled out form to the woman in the counter.

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