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A cool morning breeze of the Kalos region passed through the Santalune city's Pokemon centre ,where the two best friends were sleeping on each other having smiles on their faces after their yesterday's conversation, Feeling a breeze on her neck serena started to stir awake, she groggily rubbed her eyes with one hand after her mind came to consciousness, she looked around only to see she was in the backyard of the Pokemon centre and a blanket is wrapped around her, she tried to move her head but was feeling her head heavy, like something is laying on her head, when she adjusted her head to see the cause ,after seeing the something or rather someone , Serena's face can be mistaken for a tomato berry.

"Huh...."Serena saw that Ash was sleeping with his head on her's and was having a smile and was snoring lightly, while a blanket which was wrapped on her was also wrapped on him.

Feeling the disturbance, Ash started to stir awake and sat upright while yawning and looked around confused as to why he is in the backyard of his Pokemon centre, but when he saw Serena who was looking away to hide her embarassment, he remembered the last night's incident.

"Good morning Serena, how was your sleep" Ash greeted the embarassed girl with a smile.

"Go.. goodmorning..," Serena said still looking away.

"What happened Serena why are you looking away are you mad at me.?"Ash asked confused.

"No Ash, I'm not ,I...i was just looking around ,that's all haha that's it yeah.!"Serena laughed nervously still trying to process what see just saw in the morning.

"Oh well I slept pretty ,well I had a good dream in fact"Ash said smiling thinking of the dream.

"Yeah, mind sharing with me.?" Serena asked settling down and looked at Ash curious.

"Of course in that dream, it was just you and me in some flower fields and we were playing, laughing and enjoying the time, then suddenly you said ,you wanted to tell me about something, you were about to speak, then I woke up here, I wonder what that was , you wanted to say.?"Ash told her remembering his dream.

'He was dreaming about us eeekk.!!!!!'Serena thought mentally squealing in joy,thinking that her crush was dreaming about her.

"Yeah I wonder what it is but Ash, why did you sleep here you could've woken me up you know.?"Serena questioned curious.

"Oh, I was gonna wake you up but when I looked at you I thought you looked peaceful and didn't wanna disturb you, so I ended up here too."Ash explained with a smile.

"Aww thanks Ash, that's so sweet of you"Serena replied smiling having a dust of pink on her cheeks.

"Hehe thanks"Ash said while scratching his cheeek.

"C'mon let's go inside or else Pikachu, Clemont and Bonnie would be worried about us"Ash said standing stretching his arm.

"Yeah"Serena replied and stood up, both smiled at each other and headed inside.

After reaching inside they saw a smirking bonnie and Pikachu sitting on the couch , looking at them, seeing their expressions Ash was confused while Serena was starting to go red as she knows those antics too well.

"So Ash had a good sleep.!"Bonnie asked looking at Ash with the same expression.

"Yeah I slept pretty well, infact that was the best sleep I had in a while"Ash replied smiling at bonnie.

"Oh I wonder why.?"Bonnie smirked eyeing Serena mischievously.

"Pika.kaha"Pikachu snickered seeing the honey blonde girl going all red twice in a day.

"I don't know what's going on here,well I'm gonna go get fresh up"Ash informed leaving confused at their expressions.

"So you two are the ones who put a blanket around us huh.?"Serena asked the yellow duo's after Ash leaves.

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