A Mysterious Pokemon "X" (P-1)

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A few hours have passed since our heroes bid farewell to the summer camp-a week of memorable moments.

Ash, Tierno, Trevor, and Sawyer declared each other as rivals, promising to collect all the gym badges and reach the league.

Serena and Shauna formed a rivalry, both determined to win their first princess key in their first showcase.

With these rivalries and friendships, Team Squirtle parted ways to achieve their respective goals and reach the top.

Korrina, too, parted ways with the group. Professor Sycamore offered her a lift to Shalour City, and before departing, Ash challenged her for his third gym badge. Korrina accepted, promising to polish her newly mastered Mega-evolution in anticipation of his return.

As Macy bid farewell, her eyes glistened with emotion, parting from the beautiful memories forged in the camp. She revealed her plan to travel to the Hoenn region and participate in the league, challenging Ash to an unforgettable battle upon their next meeting-a challenge he accepted with a handshake.

As much as she wanted Ash to accept her feelings, she couldn't. She knew she can't force her feelings on the boy who doesn't see her as anything more than a friend and a rival. In addition, she saw a spark between him and the girl beside him, a spark that only made the message more clear.

A message that he already has a special someone in his life, but he still hasn't realized it yet.

Throughout her week at the camp, Macy observed how the raven-haired boy reacted whenever that girl spoke to him. She witnessed his caring nature, how he respected all her decisions, and enjoyed his time with her. Although she didn't know the history between him and the girl, Macy sensed it was something special they both cherished.

In the small amount of time she saw him near Misty, this spark was missing between them. Sure, they were close friends, but this girl held a deeper significance to Ash, something only time would reveal.

Understanding the preciousness of these bonds, Macy decided to set aside her feelings. She accepted that Ash might never feel the same way. Perhaps, in the future, she would find someone who would share a similar spark with her.

And so, the campers embarked on different paths, some continuing their Kalos journey with newfound friends, others going solo. But wherever they go, this summer camp will hold some precious memories in their ongoing journey.


Now, we watch our heroes in a Pokémon center in Geosenge town, seated on the couch in the hall.

Apparently as they prepared to depart for Shalour City after bidding their farewells, Bonnie's egg suddenly emitted an intense, bright glow, capturing the group's attention.

Excitedly, they rushed to Nurse Joy for a check-up. However, the Nurse Joy at the camp informed them that she lacked the necessary equipment to examine the egg and suggested they visit the Pokémon Center in Geosenge Town.

The group exchanged glances, with Ash initially hesitant about extending their journey to Shalour City and delaying his pursuit of the third gym badge. Yet, he couldn't resist Bonnie's irresistible plea, her Lillipup eyes tugging at his heartstrings, and eventually agreed, suggesting he could use the time for training in preparation for his battle against Korrina.

Upon arriving at the center, Bonnie handed the egg to Nurse Joy, who promptly placed it in an egg chamber for warmth and protection.

After ensuring the egg's safety, Nurse Joy emerged from the chamber to address the group anxiously awaiting news.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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