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Three days had elapsed since the Kalos group departed from Santalune Forest. Ash had been training hard for his next gym battle, with Clemont serving as his sparring partner. Meanwhile, Serena, with her new goal in her mind had been practicing diligently for her upcoming showcase. Now, we find our heroes at the outskirts of Camphrier Town.

"Camphrier Town looks so peaceful," Serena remarked as they entered the town.

"It's one of the oldest towns in Kalos. The people here live their lives peacefully," Clemont replied as they walked together.

"Hey, look! I see a palace " Ash pointed to a grand structure atop a distant hill. "Is this place a kingdom or something?"

"No, Ash. It used to be ruled by kings, but now it's a battle palace or rather, they call it the Battle Chateau," Serena explained, consulting her tablet for more information.

"A Battle Chateau? What's that?" Ash asked, puzzled.

"Pika?" Pikachu chimed in, sharing Ash's confusion.

"It's hard to explain. Why don't we go there, and you can see for yourself?" Clemont suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds fun! Let's go!" Bonnie exclaimed, darting off towards the Battle Chateau.

"Bonnie, wait! We just arrived," Clemont called out, chasing after his energetic sister.

As they neared the Battle Chateau, the group was awestruck. It resembled a grand king's palace with a modern architectural twist. Upon entering, they were greeted by a well-dressed elderly lady.

"Hello, Sire and Dames. I'm Lilian, Maid of the Battle Chateau. How may I assist you?" the lady asked with a warm smile.

"Hello, Lilian. We're here for some information about the Battle Chateau," Clemont said on behalf of the group.

"Very well. I'll give you a brief overview since I know you're not interested in history. The Battle Chateau is a tradition in Kalos, honoring the brave knights who fought for the region. In this tradition, two knights battle each other, and as they win battles, their ranks increase, and the battles become tougher," Lilian explained.

"It sounds awesome! Can I participate?" Ash asked eagerly, intrigued by the idea of battling.

"Of course, you can. However, there are some terms for beginners," Lilian replied, gesturing with her fingers.

"Terms? What are they?" Ash inquired, his excitement tempered slightly.

"For starters, beginners with ranks from Baron/Baroness to Earl/Countess can only use Pokémon of three basic types: grass, fire, and water. Furthermore, your Pokémon type is randomly chosen by the system for your first match here," Lilian explained, wagging her fingers rhythmically.

"So, Ash can only use grass, water, or fire Pokémon, and it's chosen randomly?" Serena repeated for confirmation, and Lilian nodded.

"I'm in!" Ash declared, pumping his fist with determination.

"But Ash, you only have Froakie, who's a water type," Clemont reminded him, adjusting his glasses.

"Don't worry, Clemont. I have all of them. Let's go register. Lilian, could you tell us how to register?" Ash reassured, prompting confusion from the group.

"Sure, Sire. Follow me," Lilian replied with a smile, leading them to the registration desk.

"Just insert your Pokédex, and you'll be registered for today's tournament, showing the Pokémon type you need to use for your first match," Lilian explained, pointing to a machine with a slot.

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