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"And finally, in the first place, we have Team Squirtle." Professor Sycamore announced the Team Squirtle as the victors. The winning team gracefully waved from the stage, radiating joy.

The crowd erupted in cheers, celebrating Team Squirtle's well-deserved victory, including our heroes, who, despite initial disappointment over a failed video presentation, joined in the cheers to support their friends.

Waiting for the cheers to subside, Professor Sycamore continued as the pokevision video of Team Squirtle played behind the screen. "The strength showcased by Macy's Electabuzz and Tierno's Squirtle through the battle, coupled with the charming performance by Shauna and Bulbasaur, adds a delightful touch to the video, and also shows the wonderful bond and trust shared among you all."

Team Squirtle, hearing the professor's praise, smiled in gratitude. After a moment of cheers, the victorious team gracefully exited the stage, rejoining their friends in the crowd.

"Your performance in the video was amazing, Shauna," Serena praised as the winning team approached Team Froakie.

"Thanks, Serena," Shauna replied with a proud grin, savoring their triumph.

However, her smile faded, and she asked in a curious tone, "Although I didn't see your team's Pokèvision; didn't you all record yesterday?"

The disappointment resurfaced momentarily in the group, but they quickly composed themselves, realizing dwelling on yesterday's setbacks wouldn't change anything.

"Uhh... We recorded the introduction part, but couldn't proceed due to unexpected interruptions," Clemont explained, while the group gave a nervous chuckle.

"Did something happen during the shoot?" Sawyer inquired.

"Yeah, some clowns sabotaged our settings, destroyed our camera, and things escalated from there," Korrina answered, still seeming frustrated from the previous day's events.

Sensing the tension, the Team Squirtle members exchanged subtle glances, understanding it was best not to probe further. In unison, they nodded, tactfully dropping the topic.

" Well that's a bummer. I was looking forward to seeing Serena and you guys in a video," Shauna frowned while cradling her Bulbasaur.

"It's no problem; we can always make another one," Ash said, optimistic and smiling at his teammates.

"Pika, pika," Pikachu chimed in, accompanying his trainer.

The remaining team nodded as they decided to drop the topic for now. Bonnie observing the playing video in the screen harbors a doubt, as she turns to Team Squirtle to ask that.

"By the way, I didn't see Trevor and Sawyer in the video. Where were you guys?" Bonnie asked, as the remaining group members were curious. While they saw Tierno, Macy, and Shauna in the video, the remaining two members were notably absent.

"I was shooting the video, so I couldn't take part. As for this guy..." Trevor explained, sending a deadpanned look towards the green-haired guy.

"I... Umm- I," Sawyer stuttered, visibly embarrassed, as he started fidgeting.

"Eh?, What's with him suddenly?" Bonnie asked pointing at the embarrassed boy, who was twiddling his foot nervously.

Seeing this, Macy sighed and explained, "He was too shy to come in front of the camera. We tried calling him many times, but he just wouldn't budge."

The group turned towards Sawyer, whose face turned red from embarrassment.

"Sorry," he murmured, avoiding eye contact.

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