Assassin, Murder, Killer, DEMON!

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A/N: Iruma's POV unless said otherwise.... also can someone give me some cookies? OmO please?

I was running away after I got into a trap. The job I was supposed to do was a complete failure. Normally these things wouldn't shake me since I used to being chased around and never to have a real life. It was just the way I was brought up. I don't remember much besides the constant pain in my past. Each time I would try and recall what made me be this way, I would say everything. There was not a single thing that wasn't forcing me to be who I was. 

First there was the orphanage which I was in... bad thing... never got love, always was treated like dirt and then secretly sold to some arena where kids were fighting for money. That was the first time I actually had to kill.... the first kill was hard. I still remember throwing up and refusing to eat with all these nightmares which haunted me but it was either kill or be killed back then. So I continued and continued fighting my way up the ranks for years till I managed to escape and kill them all.... even then I was not free of this.

My hands were stained with blood. Was there a way out for me?

I never knew anything else than to kill.

No one showed me another way....

I was brought up like that and then picked up from the street joining some yakuza gang. There I was called the mad dog first but soon they started calling me the demon of the gang. I earned that name since all the kills I got scheduled were cruel and in a fast way. Not only that but somtimes I was put to torture people to get information out of them. I was the best of the best.... until the Yakuza clan started to crumble and I was left once again without anything.... well that was until I found my very own source of informations. It was a bar where the one behind the bar was secretly paying people like me to get the joby done right... this was supposed to be one of these jobs.... this was supposed to be easy... why... WHY.... THEN WHY was I running away?

I screwed up?

Noooo... I never screw up!

I knew better than anyone else what was on the line if I would screw up but what was it then?

Simply put... I got tricked.

I never thought that I would get tricked.... now I was running.

They knew my face.

They knew my name.

They knew all my tricks and my identity.

Who would think that I got myself this much in danger....

This was bad...

I had to escape no matter what!

I didn't survive all that shit to go down this easily now!



I refuse to go down right now!

As I was running away, I found some kind of library. It was closed but that never stopped me from getting in. I needed a place to hide. Something that was quite large and where I could just rethink and replan everything. A distraction or even just a bit of time to think... that was all I needed.

I still have weapons on me... let's see...

A gun..... with half of the bullets left inside...

A knife...

Throwing daggers....

And... damn that is all....

Maybe I still have some grenades...smoke grenades would be perfect....

Nope... seems as if I have lost them in all that chaos... just my luck.

I looked through everything I had while I hid from all the people who followed me into the library. This was by far not the best hiding place but it was something and since it was huge these people were also split up searching for me. From what I saw there were 15 people inside searching for me. I could deal with 6 people at the same time but 15 was even too much for me. I was still a kid after all!

How did I deserve this life?

Why did I had to deal with this shit?

Ah yes, these questions that my mind was loving to question me out about but never really found an answer to it at all. Something told  me that I would never find the answer out at all... did I even need an answer? What I needed right now was to escape from here and just run instead of actually sitting around questioning life choices and my whole damn life with it.

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