A bit of a scare!

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3rd POV:

A scream could be heard coming from the forest as the teachers as well as Sullivan as the principal from the school with his loyal servant Opera where there. Everything should just be an excercise for their students to gather as much materials and monster as they could. It was a hunt that could take their lives if they were not careful and everyone knew that but they still never had any dead kid until now.

It was the moment that a kid from Kallego's class came running towards them screaming and completly out of his mind. He was screaming monster and hell spawn while he was running. It took them quite a bit to get the kid to calm down and it was only then that Caim which looked like a mix of an owl as well as a cat managed to babble out some words.

Caim: Allocer was killed.... he's dead.... dead....

Kallego: Explain what happened.

The teachers were all around the poor kid as they could clearly see that something was wrong. The frist thing that they did was recall all the students with a special signal back to get to their location. They couldn't risk anyone else getting killed if what the kid was saying was right.

Caim: He came out of nowhere.

Orias: He? Who is he?

Momonoki: Let's leave the kid to explain first.

Caim: I don't know.

Blushenko: You don't know?

Caim: I dont! He came out of nowhere and before I knew it Allocer was on the ground!

Stolas: It seems as if there is someone in there hiding.

Robin: That's dangerous. We need to get everyone back here immediately.

Dall: But how are we supposed to do that?

FurFur: I already got the signal out. 

Volar: I fear that someone could be in danger as we speak.

Balam: How about we split up then?

Bachiko: Robin, you and me!

Orias: I'll go as well.

Momonoki: I'll join Kalle-

Kallego: I am staying. Someone has to teach this damn kids something after all.

Dall: You mean take care of them?

Kallego: No, I mean teach them a lesson to not be this stupid to get themselves killed like that.

Blushenko: Don't you think that is not the right timing?

Kallego: Don't care.

Sullivan: I will go there as well. Opera you too.

Opera: Of course.

It was soon decided that some of the teachers would split up and some would help to gather the childrens and return them back. Meanwhile in the cave Iruma started to have a conversation with the children but soon had to stop. It was not really a big conversation as he just had started to say one thing. 


Elizabeta: AHHHHHH!

Kerori: We are soorry!

Clara: We just wanted to find treasures. Do you have some treasures?

Iruma: I may have some if you come closer.

Clara: Really?

Elizabeta: Don't! That is a trick.


Kerori: I don't like this... let's get out of here!

Iruma: Oh but why run this fast? Didn't you come to get something from here?

Elizabeta: We are sorry to have disturbed you, oh great demon.

Iruma: Demon?

It was at that moment that a teacher came in. Said teacher heard the last thing and couldn't help but go protectivly in front of the childrends. It was however already too late, Iruma already jumped out of his hiding place as he had already made his mind to not let anyone escape alive. Too bad for him that the kids were already running by the teachers instruction as the teacher Velar was ready to protect them.

Honestly it was a shot fight since Iruma had his knife and was quite skilled as well as fast. He consealed his whole aura and got pretty close to Velar always coming closer and backing away cutting her while also stabbing her until he pulled out his gun. He still had some shots left but since he didn't know if that would actually help him out here or not, he decided to simply try it out while going for a kill with his knife. The first bullets were simply just moving Velar in the position he wanted and need in order for him to get behind her and then slit her throat open.

Only when she started to make a sound close to drowning and babbling, only then did he let go of her and clapped his hand as if to clean it off a bit from the blood.

Iruma: .... I wonder what they meant with demons.....

Sullivan: I wouldn't move any further if I were you!

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