Going down fighting...

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Once I checked everything, I started to move out of my hiding place. The thing I was currently wearing was completly black. A tight suit that I loved. It was comfortable but wouldn't actually stop me from moving around since the fabric was made out of something special. Not only that but I still couldn't forget about the Yakuza days. It were some of the best days in my life since I was treated somewhat nicely there. I never laked food nor did I not had a sleeping place and it was always warm too. These days were heaven for me in comparison to everything else. Though enough of that. For now I had to start doing what I normally do and that is being the demon they all call me.

With a swift motion, I took out two daggers from my pockets and started running from one shelf to the other hiding myself until I found some people.

Alright... I have to make this quick and silent... don't let them scream and no extra torture for them.

They deserve it but I can't risk anything here.

Might torture the last one but not the first ones...

Alright easy and steady...


The moment I found two people walking towards me, I jumped out and threw the knifes while running at them to collect them again. I was a sharp aimer and I had enough experience with all kind of weapons including an axe. Don't question it, I was fighting in an area when I was a child, so of course I knew how to fight with a sword as well as an axe and other stuff as well but nothing was comparing to a good old bullet gun. The only problem was the sound.

Two down... at least something... now where is the rest of them?

I learned very fast to run without making any sound because I got into soo many troubles too many times to count them. All which ended bad for me as well.

Anyways back to the here and now. I was running through the library searching for people and was slowly but surely killing them off one by one. It was all going well and everything until I made a slip up and missed the last person. It was a huge man which could easily beat me up soo badly that I would end up six feet under as well. 

It was because I slipped on the floor as it was really slippery and fell down hard carshing into the next shelf of books. I even thought that it was about to burry me alive too!


I can't move...

Damn books hurt a lot..

What in the world happened.... no how did that even happen... I never slipped before.

Fuck I am dead...

I am soo dead for sure now...

I need to get moving!

The bookshelf still was on me and it was blocking me from moving anywhere since it was soo heavy but it also didn't had to do anything since something else happened. I don't really know what happened. It was out of my comprehensive way of thinking and interpreting the world. My mind couldn't literaly wrap this up and solve the equation. There was some light coming from undearneath me and in the next thing, I could hear some more screaming. It was painfully but it was still not as bad than the pain I felt from being stabbed. The books all around me burried me and I couldn't clearly see anything but what I did know was that the load was getting lighter and before I knew it, I found myself somewhere else.... I mean, I felt the wind on my skin and I could smell something rotten in the air as well.

What in the world....

Don't question it...


I did as my mind told me and got up from the ground and started runnig. The worst thing I could do right now was stand there and let something kill me. This was an unknown place, a place I had no recolection off. From what I know, I could have inhaled some hallucinogen and was just dreaming all this while I was in the wilderness. Who knows what was going on but I would survive!

I was not about to go down that easily for sure!

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